Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Occupation:Competitive Intelligence
Number of Posts:2612
Registered on:11/24/2015
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[quote]You're a pussy if you say your guns were lost. [/quote] My guns were lost. Lucky for me, I have a real knack for finding lost items when I need them....

Rise of the Militant Gun Takers...

Posted by FlatLakeTiger on 11/18/18 at 9:23 am
Congressman Eric Swallows-Well couldn't have been more obvious and clear. The Militant Gun Takers are here and they are definitely coming for our guns. I should have said your guns as all of mine were lost in a tragedy so horrific, I refuse to relive the details. Anti-Gun dogma is a cult-like...
[quote]Just don’t bring it up, then right as you shoot your load on her give her a good MAGA. Then peace out and never talk to her again[/quote] Bad advice. Never bust a deal until the deal busts itself. ...
[quote]Nobody with a brain "dates" feminists. Just use them for free sex and move on. Let them snag a beta cuck when they hit the wall.[/quote] I've found feminists tend to have "Daddy" issues. That said, feminists still fit into one of two categories: Spitters or Swallowers....
We should have given them Florida instead. The Jews weren't GIVEN anything. They bought the land from the Arabs. We didn't GIVE them anything in Florida either, they bought parts of Florida same as anybody else with the money to do so....
I'm actually tired of the continual flaunting of the law by Democrat politicians and their minions. Time to put some of these bastards in and under the jail....

re: Gun Control coming in 2019?

Posted by FlatLakeTiger on 11/8/18 at 8:24 am
[quote]Im all for the second amendment.. But this seems like an issue that cant be fixed with the loons going in public places and shooting innocent people..[/quote] Will be the death of the Democrat Party if they go down this path. All too easy for the Sky Screamers...All too predictable....
[quote]Disagree. Beto is a white Obama. Smooth talker. Dems will follow guys like this over a cliff. You’ll see him in 2020. Book it.[/quote] No, it gives Republicans two years to define Beto as a fraud. Cruz may not have gone there, Trump will....
Trump in his zeal to defeat all comers almost ended a solid Red State vote in Ted Cruz. Good thing "Beto" Luck Next Time was too radical for Texas....
[quote]trump campaigned on infrastructure. 2 years. Zero. Therefore the progressives will rightly get the credit.[/quote] Manufacturing jobs - UP Energy jobs - UP Coal Steel Auto All UP...
Now,Trump has an easy target. Now, Trump will show America what can be done when a deal maker is in charge. Expect a large public works program to begin. Trump is a builder. Expect better healthcare options. Trump is a major employer. Expect Democrats to overplay their position. Trump is a ...
[quote]Texas congressional districts going blue left and right. fricking Cruz man, such a stiff.[/quote] Cruz was MIA on helping Texas after Harvey. He didn't get the POL deadline extended, which screwed thousands of policy holders. If he loses, it's his own fault. If you have a disaster, you ...

RBG can NOW give up the Ghost....

Posted by FlatLakeTiger on 11/6/18 at 8:00 pm
It appears that the Republicans will add to their majority in the Senate by a minimum of four seats and possibly as many as six. No more Kavanaugh bullshite and no more Jeff Flake....
[quote]I can’t believe it’s even this close. Not to say that she’s that much of a better candidate because she’s not. I just don’t understand the thinking by the people of Tennessee here.[/quote] The "Snake Handlers" from Johnson City need to vote!...

Election Day Question

Posted by FlatLakeTiger on 11/6/18 at 8:55 am
Senator Skelator is just nodding and grinning while BHO speaks. Florida, shame on you if you elect Nelson and Gillum. ...
[quote]'d like to know what the "A.J." stands for before I comment....[/quote] "Arrow Jumper"...
[quote]If it was actually your property, what would you do? Just for a moment, pretend it's your land....[/quote] I would invite every lawnmower manufacturer to open a showroom on my property near the border. This way, the illegals could learn the benefits of each model they will be using while c...
[quote]Clearly unconstitutional. Why does this fool hate the Constitution?[/quote] The Constitution can be changed. It's happened before. Trump is simply starting the conversation....

re: .

Posted by FlatLakeTiger on 10/27/18 at 5:42 pm
[quote]I dressed up as Tina Turner once and people loved it.[/quote] You let someone near your "Nutbush City Limits"?...