Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU...fishing..rinse repeat!
Number of Posts:48
Registered on:11/9/2015
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They dont win like we, bama, UGA, etc win though. ...
[quote]1. It a fricking sport and not the reason for a university.[/quote] You'd rethink what LSU or other SEC institutions are without its football. Its identity and public image is embedded in Saturday afternoons. And its a revenue generator. [quote]2. We literally replace players at min eve...
Its different when it comes from the players. The chanchellor cant do a "win-win" with the players. He'll lose the team and his job. Money rules and Football is the cash crop. Chancellors are replaceable. Quality football teams (players) are not. Ask Chip Kelly....
Tip of the ice berg. What happens if Bama players walk out? Players largely arent there for the "traditions" and fraternal activities of these institutions (ones in which you and I participate in)--- they were largely kept out for years on years. They are there to play for Nick Saban, get re...
[quote] IF any coach in the SEC has a ounce of sense they would approach their players and ask them about the environment around campus. That way the players feel comfortable talking to the coach or coaches about anything related to race issues on campus. The fanbase would response would be sim...
[quote]100% without a doubt I would give up season tickets and never attend another LSU game in my life. LSU would never see another dime from me.[/quote] I respect you for your honesty. I respect you for saying you care more about your entertainment and potentially the source of your ente...
[quote]n all seriousness do the players realize they are getting a free education?[/quote] There is a difference between a education and being educated. Are we kidding ourselves when considering a General Education degree to be worth a damn. We wouldnt ever suggest our own kids major in such a...
[quote]I had a guy connected to the situation tell me some inside stuff and there's much more to the situation than what people know. But it all comes back to money. Here's what I was told fwiw. Missouri loses Saturday night. After the game, there are several racially charged incidents betwe...
[quote]They have an obligation to play. If the players respect their coach they would play. It's that simple.[/quote] Obligation to whom? The university would also have an obligation to them to provide them with a safe working environment. Its a partnership, not servitude. This is obviously a ...
[quote]LSU players have goals for the next level. They would play[/quote] But I'm sure there are many prospects on Mizzou's team as well. Sometimes there are causes true to a person that are more important to them than playing a game. ...
[quote]If they had any respect for their coach they would play.[/quote] What happens if their gripes are actually legitimate and worth not playing over? I would believe coach miles would respect his players well-being over a game being played. ...
I'm curious as to whether or not SEC coaches have sat down with their superiors and teams and discussed this situation. We would be silly to think that a situation like the mizzou situation couldnt pop up at an SEC school, especially with our past history. How do you think Les Miles or another coach...
[quote]was born smart, handsome and with a big cock. That gave me many privileges. I apologize to those that were less fortunate. [/quote] How hard was that :lol:...
They are suggesting that black =/= wealthy, but if black = wealthy, then black person =/= black person :lol:...
white privilege =/= wealth. privilege = wealth white =/= wealth white = privilege (to this jon butler guy). my basic math :lol: would suggest doesnt have a privilege that the president possesses. ...
[quote]Politically? Yes. The 2016 POTUS election will show the black vote 93% for Hillary as it would be for any Democrat. The White vote will split as will the Asian and Hispanic votes. Blacks, though, 90%+.[/quote] We dont have a shared history. As a white conservative male, in the ...
[quote]which is why the whole premise behind the recent surge of activism is so freaking stupid[/quote] Fair, point taken, on a superficial note. But many black people, from my conversations with my best friend(s) and others, seem to have an inherent bond linked to their color, espeicall through ...
[quote]Hey, a-hole, the problems in black society are because of their allegiance to the Democrat party. The Democrat Party destroyed the black family in exchange for votes. You have repayed your new masters well with the voting block but have gotten nothing in return but misery[/quote] Okay, Im ...
Being from a wealthy family means you cant experience racism? Are black people monolithic?...