Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
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Registered on:10/7/2015
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re: Cfb 25 not working

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 7/26/24 at 11:24 am
I’ve only had the game freeze and crash once, and it was in an online dynasty where I accidentally clicked ready to advance and quickly unclicked it. Then started up that week’s game and about halfway through the second quarter my buddy also clicked ready to advance. It froze my game and then crashe...

re: Best and worst ethnic food

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 7/25/24 at 11:12 am
[quote]3: Ethiopian[/quote] well this is certainly a take. Can I ask where have you had Ethiopian food? The best Ethiopian restaurant in Atlanta is one of my top 5 restaurants here. ...

re: Oswald was 24

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 7/24/24 at 11:57 pm
Mohamed Atta was 33. Dude looked at least 50 in the one photo that is always used...
Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge the fact that the boy finally used paragraphs. The progress is real...
Bryson definitely played with Trump and his grand daughter (the one that spoke at the RNC) back in December. This is either a final edited version of that or they played for at least a second time more recently...
[quote] The Braves still have a great chance of reaching the playoffs. A lot depends on how soon Max can return.[/quote] Yep...Max (and the general health of the other 2 SPs) is the key. We can win any playoff series running those 3 guys out there assuming the offense can generate a pulse at al...
[quote]For anyone interested this is really freaking awesome. It’s a new mod for Elden ring called Grace Born it’s on Nexus and other places here’s its description[/quote] the shite that folks are able to do with mods is the ONLY regret I have for being a console person over a PC. It's one or the...
I’ve played probably 20’games on AA difficulty so far and have had maybe 2 roughing the kickers. Both were on extra points so the penalty was irrelevant. Have not roughed a punter yet. I run regular kick block plays. Haven’t adjusted any sliders and usually control the outside rusher. ...
[quote]15 minute quarters is crazy[/quote] not with accelerated playclock. Can usually get a game in in under an hour. Scores, number of plays, yards, etc have been very accurate. My interests are more in line with that than squeezing in a bunch of games. Just a personal preference. ...
I've got 2 dynasty files going right now. Both on All American difficulty which seems to be the sweet spot where I struggle mightily when overpowered by superior teams but play good close games against teams that are within 3-4 overall points in either direction. 15 minute quarters, 14 second accel...
[quote] This one was just out in the open in an area after I beat Royal Knight Loretta. Health bar went away and the music stopped. Fight legitimately over. Was so weird [/quote] that dragon in particular shows back up in another location. you are now in an area that will start a big NPC quest ...
is this the game they spent a lot of time showcasing at the Sony State of Play a couple of months ago? Looked incredibly boring to me disregarding all of the woke stuff. ...
[quote]Fun part is I'm so overleveled for all of it, it's essentially god mode.[/quote] Before CFB came out, I started NG+ after finishing the DLC. Because I added another 30 levels or so and maxed out a bunch of new weapons, the early part of NG+ has definitely felt like god mode and it’s been a...
[quote]you can edit generic players in the roster file (outside of dynasty) and i mean everything (including ratings and position), except for face. For example: Teray French, #78 and LeBeaux Wentworth #0 ( ) on LSU are generic players. There’s a few hiding on multiple teams, just gotta find them.[...
1. I'm glad I don't play online H2H much if at all. It seems like a lot of complaints around the webs are centered on issues with that feature. 2. I feel like it plays a really good game of football. I played as a good team versus a shite team and moved the ball easily. I then played as Geor...
Ozuna absolutely crushed some balls tonight. He’d dominate the old format IMO...
[quote]It's been 11 years since we got a college football game, and these two things are deal breakers for you? Tough crowd.[/quote] My thoughts exactly. I just spent 4 hours playing random play now games using classic passing just to enjoy the game again. I’ll start getting into the new features...
[quote]The inability to do formation subs and edit your audibles in dynasty is a major pain. I wanted to change Auburn's defensive scheme, but I can't get my players int he right spot no matter what I do.[/quote] I haven’t tried this yet, but can you use custom playbooks to set your audibles?...
I love that idea. This sprint format blows and I can’t believe they haven’t reverted back. I understand why they did it but maybe instead of outs you give each guy a certain number of swings with maybe 5 free takes or something. Either do the standard total homeruns or the combined distance like you...
Agree with both of your points. The coolest thing about the Derby in the 90s and 00s was watching the majestic blasts 20 rows deep into the bleachers. Now there isn't time to show each one because the pitcher/hitter are trying to get through as many as possible. And yeah...that field is...