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Location:Albany, NY
Number of Posts:246
Registered on:9/21/2015
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You know what's always funny? Watching dumb arse deer jump off of bridges to their deaths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn22qVSfVRE...
Very nice. Seems she got out of her short hair feminist phase and back to what made her a star in the first place. May many women follow her example...
Yeah her and Gwen Stefani were both a lot older than people realized in their primes...
For whatever reason, Czech Republic or whatever it's now called produces by the far the most porn stars per capita...
[quote]Who cares? There are a lot of people going through the same thing as she is[/quote] When well known/famous people publicize something it brings a lot of attention to the issue which is good thing. With all the crazy shiite going on in the world people often forget how shitty cancer is. ...
Because these people see everything through the lens of race and oppression olympics. Palestinians are Brown, they view Jews as white. This is like catnip for them. Russia-Ukraine Conflict - White people hurting other white people so no care. Darfur Conflict - Brown people hurting other Bro...
[img]https://cao-94612.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/portraits/Headshot_2023-06-08-212351_gofm.JPG[/img] Actually would...
[img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/thUAAOSwnBRgNrxa/s-l1600.jpg[/img] https://i.imgur.com/cuTJSvq.jpeg...
The Russians (Soviets) at one point they controlled half the world... more than the British ever did. They had direct control though. If you consider indirect control (soft power) than it was the USA at some point in the 90s...

re: Yale and Columbia

Posted by thedisciple315 on 4/22/24 at 1:42 pm
[quote] Northeastern Jews have voted for this insanity for years and have consistently allied with these loons when the targets were white conservatives or white Christians. I have zero sympathy for them.[/quote] Yeah but this is an excellent opportunity to get them on the other side. Many will...

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by thedisciple315 on 4/20/24 at 9:13 pm
yeah they did discuss it. And if you look up her bio she's from New Jersey (like Artie)...

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by thedisciple315 on 4/19/24 at 4:56 pm
This is Artie Lange's (from the Howard Stern show) aunt for real. ...

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by thedisciple315 on 4/14/24 at 11:29 pm
Jessica Alba [img]https://media.baselineresearch.com/images/188721/188721_full.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.realsimple.com/thmb/FfCXCHYVTYsSP1FIYB-fkoHgrTw=/800x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(200000):strip_icc()/Jessica-Alba-january-03-05af89e5417d47dfa3a7464bf6523d18.jpg[/img] https://theh...
Nah. Hippies were just normal cultural ebb and flow of a society. You forget Reagan Revolution which put the Hippie Genie back in the bottle. Plus the 60s did have some positive outcomes. maybe some here want women and blacks to be second class citizens and not be able to pursue their dreams but...
We were having a family get together shortly after John Candy died and the adults were discussing how he "ate himself to death" obviously implying that his diet was unhealthy. One of the little cousins starting freaking out and crying because she thought he literally like, ate himself. It was fun...
Can we get some names here? https://imgur.com/xajZjoE...
Every Saint Patrick's day, I wear a bright orange Syrause shirt that just has the word "Orange" on it. Nobody has any idea. ...