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Registered on:9/21/2015
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I just figured I would point out how miserable some humans must be to sit and judge someone they don't know. It's cool though, most people find it much easier to pick at others over a computer or phone screen to feel better about themselves. And he may look like a douchebag to you guys, but he just ...
I would but I'm frantically searching for eyebrow bleach so I can please random humans on the inter webz......
Oh my gosh thank you so much for your opinion. I'm going to specifically sing in wedding bands from now on. YOURE SO RIGHT!...
Platinum blonde eyebrows? Hellll to the nawwwww naw nawwwww...
Do you have any talent? Are you even trying to use said talent? Have you heard 90% of the auto tuned junk on the radio? It's about passion and drive. This isn't American idol. There's a billion singers Better than t swift too. And she's got more money than you. ;)...
[quote]IWNHI[/quote] She wouldn't want you to. ;)...
Did you take a pause between your online gaming tournaments to make a comment on this random message board? Asshat...
Did you take a pause between your online gaming tournaments to make a comment on this random message board? Asshat...
Thanks. I'm sure your opinion matters :) I did it for fun. Could you name a dozen famous others who are less better singers? I could. It's all about passion. I work two jobs and still find the time to work on music. But nice to meet you!!!...