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re: No enthusiasm at all

Posted by wutangfinancial on 5/3/24 at 9:40 pm
They looked depressed walking across the plate. Clown....
If that shotlink data then it's clearly not controlled for weathcer onditions...
You’re melting about price changes from YEARS ago while global growth is starting to contract and you’re cheering on people losing their jobs. Congrats....
It's going to look like this when the US Feds are finished rebuilding: [img]https://www.emirates247.com/polopoly_fs/1.731972.1714565968!/image/image.jpg[/img]...
[quote]What is the effect of rate cuts in the face of raging inflation? [/quote] Inflation is raging? :rotflmao:...
I think he was promoted to the State Departments farms in Ukraine :lol:...
Just in time for their new Palestinian and Hamas neighbors :rotflmao:...
[quote]How is any of the shite these whiny arse protesters doing any different than Jan 6th?[/quote] For one, non of them have been shot dead yet :lol:...

re: Srixon zx5&7

Posted by wutangfinancial on 5/1/24 at 1:39 pm
[quote] I’d say I’m a decent ball striker. Don’t struggle hitting irons. I hit the ball flush so I think I can make the jump to a players iron.[/quote] I'm the same. I have players irons. But if I could go back I'd get a mixed bag with more forgiving long irons. I hit my 6-4 really well and still...
[quote]Our side has growing confidence [/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOHBkb3hoMjJ1eTZxd3l1bzFpYWFvdHo1NnJocnByMm1rajQzMTcwNSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/HUkOv6BNWc1HO/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]You can pick basically any President since the 60s and say it started there.[/quote] I think it's always been this way and the technological changes have amplified our awareness. To make it worse those in charge clearly DGAF about us watching them in real time be complete clowns with polic...
Every single citation I’ve seen from the NYT to the UN is using the numbers provided by the Gaza Health Ministry. The 30k number. It’s a number that is over 60% derived from media coverage. I’m not saying no civilians have died. I’m just saying it’s not a real number. Nobody knows what the real cou...
The MSM cites a Hamas front for the death count of women and children you clown :rotflmao: Many many sides ...
[quote]Correct. It's highly likely some people on here bitching about it have exposure somewhere in their portfolios. [/quote] The muh Blackrock crowd will never understand it's their money being invested :lol:...
Great. The "do something" crowd wins again :rolleyes:...
How long have you lived there? Denver is about 10 years removed from its prime and is a total shithole that lost even its mountain access appeal because there’s too many people....
[quote]Shitty monetary policy is bipartisan[/quote] It’s not partisan at all and has nothing to do with the issues people are talking about in this thread...
[quote]He was the president. He could interrupt your local sportsball and read it verbatim on all the networks for the entire country to hear [/quote] You realize he would be in Guantanimo if any of what he was accused of actually happened, right?...
[quote]Fed is far too powerful and politicized as it is[/quote] Congress controls it so this is B.S. red meat. 1) it's not powerful 2) the executive will never "control" it the commercial banks do and always will...