Favorite team:McNeese State 
Number of Posts:12784
Registered on:9/4/2015
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Farmer...lol! Never seen a picture of that dude with dirt on his shoes. This is the same dude that said white farmers were targeting black farmers and leasing land out from underneath them a few years ago... They've tried this bio fuel thing so many times, and they keep trying to find ways to...
[quote]In that 0.1 inning of work he gave up: 14 runs, 13 which were earned, no hits, 11 walks, and 4 hit batters. He did strikeout 1[/quote] A) Manager hates his life and doesn't give a frick B) I once gave up 8 or 9 runs in an inning of rec slow pitch softball. I struck one guy out with the m...
Win percentage for LSU is lower (0.762), but more SEC Championships than Texas and more National Titles than both. Florida slightly better win percentage at 0.769, but same as LSU--more SEC titles than Texas and more national titles than either. So yeah, I don't see how you could exclude those...
[quote]Considering he (almost) always had to win an SEC championship game first and then beat two legit teams to win the championship.[/quote] 50% of his National Championships during the decade in question were won without even having played in the SEC Championship. So that statement really doesn...
Ok, 10 appearances makes those stats make much more sense now. I was beginning to question the manager and why he hates himself so much that he would leave this guy in to allow that many walks. :lol:...
Hopefully you and everyone else coming at me with the same comment aren't the type that bitch about the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and "government overreach". Because guess what, those are for the public good, just like blocking development on private land is "for public good". So does hav...
[quote]1- There is such thing as zoning. I wouldn’t be allowed to level my house and construct and open up a machine shop manufacturing aluminum products.[/quote] That argument only works when there aren't people saying "yeah, but it could be used for something else that will generate more jobs." ...
The OT never ceases to amaze me. "Muh, property rights" "Nope, government has to stop these evil bastards from doing this on someone else's land that I have no stake in simply because I don't want to look at a solar farm and disagree with the scam of solar energy."...
[quote]The dispute highlights the difficulty in building out large solar farms as energy companies seek to expand ---government subsidized-- renewable power sources[/quote] The irony there is they were trying to build a government subsidized power source on land producing crops that are government ...
[quote]And both John Melvin University (LA) and John Melvin Christian College (FL) will enter with exploratory status.[/quote] So the title should be more like "John Melvin Squared Joining USCAA"... :lol:...
[quote]Delta & DU do nothing to restore historical migration patterns which is killing duck hunting in LA and other southern states. They even deny its happening.[/quote] What exactly do you expect them to do? I'm no fan of DU, and I'm not a member of either, but they can't change the fact that ri...

re: Hunters dont vote.

Posted by Cowboyfan89 on 7/17/24 at 10:59 am
[quote]Cowboy if you dont vote then you really dont get to complain.[/quote] As I've said before, I do vote. Do you always make a bunch of dumbass assumptions about people on the internet? [quote]Like the dumasses at little league games who shout at the coaches and umpires but wont even volunte...
[quote]It works in jobs were talent is not required. It's why this theory works in government.[/quote] :lol: No it doesn't. People think it does because "muh, government employee lazy/stupid", but in reality, it's stupid hires based on criteria other than knowledge, skills, and abilities that h...

re: Hunters dont vote.

Posted by Cowboyfan89 on 7/16/24 at 3:27 pm
Yeah, because the best way to get someone to be on your side is to put pressure on them... They aren't voting for a reason. Putting pressure on them to vote--and to vote a particular way (because you dont want them to vote if they aren't voting your way, right?)--is just going to push most peopl...
[quote]Why is that laughable at this point?[/quote] Uh, because he's started a mere 11 games. Yeah, if he keeps up like this, he would certainly be in that conversation. But (God forbid), the guy could have a career ending injury before he makes 100 starts. I'm a Skenes fan, but I think peop...
[quote]THE JUDGE[/quote] [quote]The Face of Baseball[/quote] :rotflmao: ...

re: Hunters dont vote.

Posted by Cowboyfan89 on 7/14/24 at 4:20 pm
[quote]Your post pushed back on the need for hunters to register and vote.[/quote] :lol: No it didn't. [quote]The rationale you have was the suggestion that both parties suck and daukted republicans for protecting property rights.[/quote] Both parties do suck. And I said nothing about prope...

re: Hunters dont vote.

Posted by Cowboyfan89 on 7/14/24 at 12:46 pm
[quote]If you equate the GOP with dems as to who supports huhting and gun rights more, [b]you arent very jnformed.[/b][/quote] I'm not uninformed--you can't read. I said the GOP doesn't support federal public lands, and all you'd have to do is read what their platform has included in the past, or ...

re: Hunters dont vote.

Posted by Cowboyfan89 on 7/14/24 at 11:25 am
[quote]You pretend to be independent but you are a democrat. Iam glad you dont vote.[/quote] :rotflmao: Ok, pal. You've just got me all figured out, huh? Unfortunately, you are incorrect on both counts, but that doesn't surprise me at all....
[quote]FBI/CIA/[b]USDA[/b][/quote] What the hell does the US Department of Agriculture have to do with this?...