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Registered on:6/27/2015
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[quote]UTC [/quote] thats in englad bro. ...
Just FYI. If you work 9-5 you will be working 8 hours one second tomorrow. Edit...i am wrong. The second will be added @ 6:59:59 PM CDT, or, as another poster pointed out, 23:59:59 UTC...

re: SPY Puts

Posted by BenFranklin on 6/29/15 at 3:38 pm
I bought SPY Sep quarterly 193 put at 190, bid now at 334. Holding on. ...
[quote]almost certain[/quote][quote]at least that's what has happened for the past 18 months. [/quote] :rotflmao:...
[quote]I've got tons of cash waiting on the sidelines[/quote] so why didn't you buy puts?...
Glad I bought a put last week. ...
[quote] This is untrue. It's black males. Sorry this simple fact doesn't fit into whatever point you were trying to make. [/quote] Oh right mike, sure if you wanna add a 2nd qualification. Actually you are wrong - the group with the highest murder rate amongst each other are black males who d...
[quote] Who is doing that? [/quote] The guy who the memorial memorializes....
[quote] Defacing public property is always a good way to get your point across. [/quote] ...and, less destructive than taking up arms against the U.S.A. in the name of white supremacy. ...
[quote]Then why are blacks killing each other at a higher rate than anyone else? [/quote] Untrue. The group with the highest rate of murder within the group are males. Men kill each other at a higher rate than women, and at a higher rate than any race or religion kills itself (with th...