Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Work hard.. Play harder
Interests:Family, Fishing, Watch Football... oh and a little work in between
Occupation:Business Owner
Number of Posts:7
Registered on:6/6/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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Ouch.. what a brutal bunch.. sorry didn't mean to tick anyone off.. I registered on the site back in June and do a lot more reading than I do posting...I ran across this thread and thought I'd chime in and share my experience on the topic as like I said I just back back from a stellar trip to Costa ...
I just got back a few weeks ago from a bachelor party trip to Costa Rica. Unreal experience is an understatement. Cabo has nothing on Jaco Beach Costa Rica. The party scene was off the charts. We stayed in a bad arse private villa on the beach and had an amazing private chef, did a huge pool party wi...
Ok laymans terms... sorry.. They fined him because they were jealous that his goods were much larger than theirs.. LOL...
Oh man.. there is nothing like a bench clearing, crowd screaming, game winning, loud crackin' Home Run...especially when it's your team that hits it!. That was a great video....
The follow up story to this article should read"Several Board members who decided to fine ABC for showing LeBron's package, have been found to have only be packing 3 inches themselves. Therefore the fine has been overruled and dismissed, as evidence confirmed it's initial cause was a result of penis...
Yes it can, but once you get over 30 it's hard to find single woman no live in kids. I got lucky after a few single Mom relationships to have found a diamond in the ruff. ...