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This is a bucket pull open mic where you get 1 minute to perform with an interview afterwards by Tony and the comedian guests that sit on panel They also have regulars that perform a new minute each week and Golden ticket winners can show up to perform a minute when they'd like to ...
Some BTS pics from the last episode They changed that mans life by shaving his head [img]https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t51.75761-15/469749329_18030602309571220_392517796321493337_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=0NhrFmp-TIEQ7kNvgHFbjNx&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1...
[quote]Yes, I saw that. But does that mean the Tesla owners did this physically or they “took part” as in gave consent for Tesla to take over their cars?[/quote] I am not 100% sure exactly how but they would have to give consent for their car to be taken over . It could be from just a program tha...
1887 map of Montgomery [img]https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/469954823_903245498661437_1480503166183096477_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=uC9wlvvV28wQ7kNvgFZ4KFa&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&_nc_gid=AGBY0WUtvFEtZeeqtjjtCDe&oh=00_AYCl3lPlR0dOxu1Z6j7IzDSnc...
[quote]I didn’t read[/quote] [quote]TWO THOUSAND @[i]Tesla Owners [/i]across the planet [i]taking part[/i][/quote]...
[quote]This historic photo of the "Old Market House" in Mobile, Alabama was captured in 1906.[/quote][img]https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/pnp/det/4a10000/4a13000/4a13400/4a13425r.jpg[/img]...

re: T Pain got a voice on him

Posted by Bobby OG Johnson on 12/10/24 at 11:33 pm
He also did a pretty good cover of War Pigs the same night that Ozzy gave him compliments for [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhjIs2Htzdc[/embed]...
Yeah well she is also rustling jimmies by claiming she has white privilege [quote]Caitlin Clark says there needs to be a better effort to elevate Black women in the WNBA “I want to say I’ve earned every single thing, but as a white person, there is privilege. A lot of those players in the lea...
[quote]Hawley isn’t bad, he’s just not full MAGA.[/quote] What has he done? I mean I have seen him pestering the blatant political criminals in hearings & on the news TV and signing the ever infamous written letters that have done jack squat like the majority of the party so I am genuinely cur...
[quote]Isiah L. Carter my dawg...did I say that right?[/quote] Man broke out the chainsaw on that arse :lol:...
[quote]I’m over at the in-laws and they keep the volume at 70. Can’t avoid it.[/quote][img]https://www.theodysseyonline.com/media-library/image.gif?id=18152789&width=800&quality=80[/img]...
That is a good looking bike and I hear they are making somewhat of a comeback with the fallout from H-D I have been on 2 bikes since leaving the Motor Co 10 years ago :lol:...