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Registered on:4/6/2015
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[quote]Punters have to run. They're the last line of defense against a TD return.[/quote] Sigh... do you even kick 6 :lol:...
I'm just flabbergasted tua is making more for a single season than marino did for his entire career. 51.5 million was the career total, according to spotrac. I get there's 25 years between events, but it's still wild to me how outrageous qb deals have become. That's 20% of the cap going to 1 player....
[quote]Your First thought when Navigation lady says "There's a speed trap ahead"[/quote] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOMB7GbnaeI[/embed]...
[quote]we did it strictly for the love of doing bad shite [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/GDbbm-Ek5VQAAAAM/black-kid-fun.gif[/img]...
[quote]I would say the reason why the men are U-23 is because the big money teams absolutely do not want to release their players for back-to-back tournaments in the same summer. [/quote] The big money teams also gained nothing by the 2 tournaments just played in Europe and here. Would be way coole...
So the women get to use whomever they want and the men are the u-23 squad + 3 old guys? Not that the results would change much for us, but this (and title 9 scholarship disparities) is why these twats believe in equity instead of equality....
[quote]Odd they never did this when Trump was in charge. [/quote] It's more odd you believe that to be in any way correct. How about back to back days, and the 5th time for the year, by may 21st. [link=(https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2019/05/22/russian-fighters-bombers-intercepte...
[quote]What’s this bullshite?[/quote] Your sign to concentrate on foreign news from Myanmar or Liberia....

re: Welcome back SummerofGeorge.

Posted by MoarKilometers on 7/24/24 at 7:51 pm
Baw just wanted to discuss rivalries in the sec without all the shite posts :usa:...
Officer was kind of a dick, but incredibly thorough and professional. It was a solid blend of I fricking hate you people, but I can see retirement from here. ...
[quote]They gave the Russian skater 4yr ban for TMZ, so this is interesting. [/quote] They allegedly found traces in a salt shaker at a Chinese training facility. By they i mean chinada. The levels were also incredibly low. Story is fishy, though. [quote]TMZ is not a PED though. There's no litera...

re: 33 Gold Medals

Posted by MoarKilometers on 7/23/24 at 10:29 pm
[quote]And China ain’t winning shite in swimming. [/quote] Probably winning both men's breaststrokes and they have the current 100 free wr holder, but this year's 100 free field is deep and fast. Difference between 1st and 4th ain't gonna be much....
[quote]I thought the scandal was that the Chinese swimmers would be there. Are they not there? [/quote] [i]Only[/i] 11 of the 23 that pissed hot for TMZ will be at this Olympics :casty: here's the thing, people don't really care. Allow me to demonstrate my point real quick :lol: women's ncaa 500 fr...

re: Olympic swimming sucks

Posted by MoarKilometers on 7/23/24 at 7:02 pm
[quote]You go and try swim 400, 800, 1500, [b]5000 [/b]meters in a 50 meter pool. And there is no stopping to catch a breather[/quote] Bolded is not a pool event, and you can stop and catch your breathe. It's just not very conducive to a good time. I can legit see more than a few posters struggling...

re: Olympic swimming sucks

Posted by MoarKilometers on 7/23/24 at 6:59 pm
[quote]Two events per stroke (100 & 200m) and then the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1500m freestyle. Plus the 400 free and medley relays. [/quote] I know you actually know, just simply forgot to type them, but for everyone else... there's also 200 and 400 IM and an 800 freestyle relay. [quote]Th...
[quote]multiple faux pas, which absolutely cannot all be mistakes. The USSS doesn’t make a single mistake, period. So on 7/13/24, they damn sure didn’t make 20+[/quote] :lol: weren't they caught with 20 whores a decade ago, in cartagena? They do frick up, and some days 20+ at a time....

re: Olympic swimming sucks

Posted by MoarKilometers on 7/22/24 at 10:13 pm
Why do I suspect op is obese af :dunno:...
[quote]The police department said Michael M. Wiseman[/quote] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8vf594.jpg[/img]...