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Registered on:2/27/2015
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[quote] I recently went into my gastro for a yearly checkup. Dude tried to give me a pitch on doing a blood test for the state that checked for Hep C, HIV, and something else trashy. I knew I didn't have these conditions because I'm not a whore or alcoholic so I declined but man he pressed hard. I...
You may consider changing the thread title. This is not a vaccine. It does not work via an immune response. It is a preventative medication, that is long lasting. From the prescribing information. 12.4 Microbiology Mechanism of Action Lenacapavir is a multistage, selective inhibitor of HIV-1 c...
[quote]hat is like testing a Cervical cancer cure on men[/quote] May want to check your facts on this one bro... According to a 2020-2021 Uganda Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (UPHIA), HIV prevalence among women aged 15–64 in Uganda is 7.6%, compared to 4.7% among men. This is higher a...
[quote]Buy an old car from 2000, spend $2k on tools, do the work yourself. You'll save $50k.[/quote] Sorry Bro, but you left out a few key things like parts (if you can get them) and time. How do you fix a 1998 truck with 225,000 leaking oil, bad fuel pump, and iffy transmission and shot AC? ...

re: What is trumps nickname for Kamala?

Posted by NorCali on 7/21/24 at 8:23 pm
[link=(https://x.com/Uncommonsince76/status/1815098311222939860)]A few good options for nicknames from Judge Joe Brown[/link] Very powerful interview...
Wow [link=(https://x.com/Uncommonsince76/status/1815098311222939860)]Full length Judge Brown discussion of Kamala harris[/link]...
very telling UAW was listed. This was to keep union happy I would think. They know EV is a disaster as well....
[quote]I mean yeah we’ve fully crossed over into the plot from idiocracy[/quote] It's been a while since I watched that movie, but would Hulk Hogan not have to be the president vs giving a speech?...
[quote]He may have originally planned to just shoot up as many people as possible.[/quote] I find this plausible. In fact, listen to the shots. 3 well aimed shots that barely missed trump. then a group of ~5 in quick succession. Those would fit into the category of this being a politically aimed a...

re: Elon Sick of California

Posted by NorCali on 7/16/24 at 4:20 pm
The studio HQs are still in LA/Studio City regardless of the production ...
It is reasonable to think the plan was for that roof to be covered by the 2 counter snipers. Probably not a great plan to begin with and whoever made that plan should never have responsibility to make a security plan again, but further to have that roof covered by local is maybe another horrible dec...
This is highly believable. The 2 counter snipers that can be seen behind Trump had a guy laying down that literally moved into the fetal position when the shots rang out (so clearly he didn’t take out the shooter) and the other guy kneeling who popped his head up right before the first shots then c...
OK, I think I hear the first suppressed shot at 11 seconds. Some guy on video softly says "he's dead" and then loud guy says he's turning this was. So if shooter first shot was at 3 seconds and first counter shot was at 11 seconds, the counter snipers got him after 8 seconds, which makes sense if yo...
Yes, there is a clear shot heard at 20 seconds and then the guy says "they got him". I did not hear the first suppressed shot you mention. But the shot at 20 seconds came about 16 seconds after that shooter's first shot. Also, when the man talking says "he is turning this way" makes me wonder if h...
I agree. totally looks like they were slipping, especially kneeling guy, and the prone guy went to hiding almost, as he slipped. ...
I agree he looks like he got hit, but I believe the person killed was shot in the head. I would guess this guy was one of the critically injured as that looks like hit in abdomen. There is video of them doing CPR on a lady and she is up against a railing not at the top like that. Just sad all the wa...
[quote]According to the one SS briefing I got 20 years ago, the fact the guy made it on the roof is a major perimeter lapse. That he was able to crawl into position is unthinkable.[/quote] That's just the thing. this was "outside" the perimeter. It is also worth re-stating that the Trump SS deleg...
I don't know what you are looking at. I see a startled counter sniper lose his balance when he tried to react. he also looked up right before the shot as if he wasn't sure what he was seeing. Yes, there should be questions raised about that counter sniper's performance. But they absolutely try to ch...
[quote]pretty fricking pathetic reaction by the SS snipers[/quote] yeh, what was that? He glanced up quickly right before the shots like he saw it but was not in his scope than clumsily tried to reposition his tripod? Looks like he had a "oh shoot" moment or something....
I don't see how from those buildings that grandstand was line of sight. It appears intentionally aiming at crowd....