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This whole argument is dumb, who really gives a frick. These people examining his ear are loony. He was shot at, another man died….whi gives a frick on the minutae....
There’s an account on twitter that is claiming a lot of these folks were wr the Kamala rally as well. [link=(https://x.com/tonyseruga/status/1816213481722621967?s=46&t=fVI4FyvRXXbIXYQdoI0j4A)]LINK[/link]...

re: Is Biden the worst president ever?

Posted by TJG210 on 7/24/24 at 4:35 pm
Hoover/lbj/obama/biden We also have to remember there is a difference incompetence and ill intent Biden/carter = incompetent Obama/lbj = ill intent ...
[quote]Let her talk, let her ideas come through, that will solve all of this[/quote] The problem is the Taylor swift crowd dgaf…..they’ll vote for her regardless ...
These are true twits who will be voting for Kamala EN MASSE...
[quote]I fully expect her to win. I hate it, but that's politic[/quote] We’re truly headed for a dreadful place, I can only take solace and hope that the idiots that vote for this garbage are the most impacted. ...
[quote]They never learn. Let them boost her. When she opens her mouth and starts making an arse of things, dems would want Joe back.[/quote] The swifties and women dgaf…..we’re in a fight against unreasoned idiots....
This is going to be a problem imo I’m seeing lots or people who completely wrote off Biden that are very excited for this idiot. I’m concerned....

re: The CIA killed JFK

Posted by TJG210 on 7/22/24 at 10:37 pm
[quote]If cell phones existed back in 1963, a lot of questions could have been answered. There would have been a lot of pictures and videos.[/quote] We have all that now and still can’t manage to get a straight story on what exactly occurred/why....
[quote]They’ll sue and get a judge to do it for the “good of democracy”[/quote] Still makes them makes them waste resources ...
[quote]McKinley[/quote] Not sure he qualifies as a great president. He was honestly just a paid shill for JP Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller....
[quote]If the Secret Service was in on a plot to assassinate Trump, why the hell would they hire a 20 year old kid with no training as a sniper, no military training, limited gun practice, who had to take his dad’s gun? No way this was a professional assassination “plot.”[/quote] Willful neglige...
[quote]didn’t appear MLK was the saint everyone thinks he was. Lots of affairs.[/quote] Rape accessory too iirc ...
[quote]I tend to agree with you. However, the enthusiasm of the left to vote against Trump is still insanely high[/quote] Not really, I know some hardcore Dems who are saying they won’t even bother ...
What a horrid jab….thats worse than George constanzas “the jerk store callled….”...
[link=(https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1813298772098838689?s=46&t=fVI4FyvRXXbIXYQdoI0j4A)]LINK[/link] Hopefully the citizens can find a way to get this piece of excrement out of office....
[quote]His company is woke as frick, his job will be safe[/quote] A drilling company, wtf Need to make them famous too...
[quote]He is not free from consequences. None of us are.[/quote] The left never likes getting a taste of their own medicine ...
This Karl Mitchell character needs to be made famous, would be a shame if his company is made aware of his entire log of facebook posts. Some absolutely sick in there besides what’s already been posted. His employer info: info.usa@epiroc.com ...