Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Number of Posts:732
Registered on:1/27/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]There's no way that fatass climbed up on that roof. The dead roof guy looks tall and slender. WTF.[/quote] i havent seen that. this is just one of the creeps that someone posted. ...
lol. the shooter looks just like what i imagine when i think of antifa. no chest, no arms, no shoulders. all belly and cheeks. :rotflmao: lol at these people acting like theyre about it. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSZz3jUWoAAn6mq?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img]...
[quote]Consumption tax is far better, but getting rid of the income tax is the right answer. Most of Treasury's budget is for the IRS, about $10B/yr. Get rid of the income tax and you get rid of the IRS and save that money. It would also put a stop to hiring any more of those 87,000 additional agent...
[quote]Can someone explain the meaning of this to me? I'm not smart enuf[/quote] because "8"...is a magic number. [img]https://www.startpage.com/av/proxy-image?piurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F59vo16.jpg&sp=1718062844Tb512252857936a40fc4d6cd36debb52da9508a77a329b8b939af00b14d4def5c[/img] ...
5'9 3/8". 5'10" with shoes on! never been sure if i'm average or king of the lollipop guild....
fuaga has been playing left and right tackle. penning has been at right tackle. haven't read if penning is also playing both sides....
carr is already a top 15 qb. 2023 qb rating of 97.7 is 10th and and his espn qbr of 56.5 is 16th. this was with a less than stellar oline and carmichael calling plays. if our oline is worse than last year, carr will be worse. if it's better, then carr will improve some. safety is the seco...
[quote]When Calvin, Luther, Zwingli, muntzer, and their fellow travellers turned everyone into the keeper of their own "personal truth", they fundamentally broke the mold for western order which was built on an understanding of external, observed truth. Man became magisterium instead of submitting t...
[quote]I think putting safety depth concerns over Carrs play at QB is laughable. Our season will not be defined with our safety depth.[/quote] our oline will determine if carr is a top 15 type qb or a bottom 10 type qb. oline is the concern. our depth at safety is more concerning than carr. we...
[quote]Offseason takes are funny.[/quote] you think our depth at safety is ok? ...
[quote]You make good points, but trust me I speak from experience. I spent a brief time in formation, before meeting my spouse. The current Church is a magnet for effeminate men and gay men. As bad as you think, it’s even worse. Think how bad it has to be for liberal Francis to say something. I know...
[quote]Yeah I'm coming back around to not even being cool with gays. Proven slippery slope ("normal" gays did frick all to reign in the TQ+'s) and even "normal" homosexuality is abhorrent behaviour when you stop and think about it.[/quote] i'm with ya. i still want all souls to go to heaven, but ...
[quote]quote: really nothing masculine about having sex. Maybe the way you do it. [/quote] cowards the world over are having sex. [quote]quote: there are 8 billion people on the planet. The West has shite birth rates and is below replacement rate[/quote] contraception. i...
[quote]Scripture is very clear on the gays.[/quote] yes it is. repeatedly....
[quote]Why have they allowed the ****ry?[/quote] a lot of it has to do with communism/the left and their infiltration into our institutions in the early to mid 20th century. a lot of it has been allowed because a lot of operatives infiltrated the Church with the sole mission of undermining every...
[quote] I was wrong. It’s the only way to bring masculinity back in the church. The church is way too feminized. It’s a disaster.[/quote] it's too effeminate because theres not enough of us men willing to put God before our desires. really nothing masculine about having sex. there are 8 billion...
[quote]De-sluttifying the pelicans dancers Making the saints dance team co-ed The whole Dixie beer fiasco[/quote] all three of these were totally uncalled for....
[quote]Plus they are learning a new offense which also likely means a slow start.[/quote] you're right, but i think it's a system that's a lot more talent friendly. we don't NEED a high end oline for the system to work....
[quote]Carr is a good player in the right system. I honestly think he will be a top 10 QB under Kubiak IF they can protect him.[/quote] my thoughts exactly. he's a decent qb as is. makes some good plays, makes some mistakes. our oline will determine our season. i'm more concerned about our dept...