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Location:Hoover, AL
Occupation:Fire and Water Restoration/GC
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Registered on:1/10/2015
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It’s been happening a hell of a lot longer than 8 years. JFK assassination was over 60 yrs ago, they still haven’t come clean about it. ...
[quote]Is there a secret you were going to take to your grave?[/quote] I want to be cremated and I knew my family would be against it. I finally confessed because I didn’t want to take my last wish to the grave with me. Literally. ...
From the audio I’ve heard, I believe there were two shots. The first was one at the end of his little burst. My guess is that only wounded him/didn’t totally incapacitate him and he was still moving or they were just unsure. A few moments later the second one, the shot above his eye, did the ...

No ladder used by shooter - FBI

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/24/24 at 2:03 pm
According to the FBI Director, Thomas Crooks did not use a ladder to access the roof. I guess he identified as Peter Parker/Spider-Man on J13. ETA [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W1DS4jgW/IMG-0853.gif[/img] “He used vertical piping to get up there!” [embed]https://x.com/catturd2/status/1816172...

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/23/24 at 12:58 pm
[quote]Is that him?[/quote] Not for the first time, I am actually questioning this fact. Mainly because of the speed he moved up the steps. His movements are never that fast, seriously!...
[quote]Are we sure she's black?[/quote] Willie Brown said she definitely had some black in her....
[quote]How many former Presidents decided not to run for re-election?[/quote] Polk 1848 Hayes 1880 Teddy Roosevelt 1908 Coolidge 1928 Johnson 1968 Biden 2024 Truman 1952 - He could have sought a 3rd term and he declined. The 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, exempted him as the sitting Pre...

re: Trump is on a roll tonight

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/21/24 at 10:34 pm
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/bwtS2Fbb/Screenshot-20240721-215312-2.png[/img] It is both extremely sad and absolutely hilarious that this might actually happen! I hope he has a really good day tomorrow and wakes up thinking he’s running for President again, then they have to explain it to him. ...
[quote]So they just shut down every time there is a little turmoil?[/quote] Anytime the crafted bullshite message and/or talking points start getting off course....
[quote]It’s now Trump’s too old![/quote] President Reagan, "I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience!”...
[quote]How will you feel if Kamala "beats" Trump?[/quote] [img]https://blogscdn.thehut.net/app/uploads/sites/660/2020/05/BRAVEHEART-2_1590075331.jpg[/img] [img]https://blogscdn.thehut.net/app/uploads/sites/660/2020/05/BRAVEHEART-5_1590075774.jpg[/img] [img]https://blogscdn.thehut.net/app/up...
[quote]Barack will be the president. Michelle will be the Queen.[/quote] This encapsulates how Barack would feel, so I doubt it ever happens. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/pLskq9Qf/IMG-0715.jpg[/img] Mike and Barrack are enjoying hundreds of millions of dollars they “acquired” over the years! ...

Biden Legacy

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/21/24 at 9:44 pm
I keep seeing Democrats make statements such as: [b]Socialist[/b] Senator Bernie Sanders called Biden, "the most [b]effective[/b] president in the modern history." Sanders added, "Supporters of Mr. Biden can speak proudly about a good and decent Democratic president with a [b]record of real[/b...
[quote]Biden's health was gone before the 2020 election, and they all knew it. Frick them[/quote] I have zero love for Biden, but I do have empathy for him. What his party, friends, coworkers, and family did and/or allowed to transpire the last 4 years was cruel. They should all be ashamed!...

re: This coup is just starting

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/21/24 at 7:54 pm
[quote]"If Trump World could pick anybody to run against, I think they pick her."[/quote] Damn right I would!...
[quote]In addition to this, I'd have no problem if flight attendants collected and displ flags of all the various countries they've visited or whatever, since Delta operates in the travel space. The only problem is it leaves the door open for the Palestine flag, which is what caused this obviou...
[quote]America needs to do this in everything and bring back pride in this nation and in being an American. Every other country does it and we are being made to be ashamed to be proud to be an American![/quote] REPEAT IT LOUD AND CLEAR!! America needs to do this in everything and bring back p...

re: Let's Go Michigan!!

Posted by GumplandTiger on 7/20/24 at 8:20 pm
Looks like JD got himself a new ride too! This is awesome!!...
[quote]That would have been my Father who was the greatest man I’ve ever known, besides Jesus, to walk the face of the earth.[/quote] If Jody Plauche' had posted this, it may be the greatest response ever. ...
I hope she resigns. They better hold her to the subpoena and make her answer to the American people on Monday! If not, jail her. ...