Favorite team:Auburn 
Location:St Marks Florida
Occupation:power company lineman
Number of Posts:718
Registered on:12/13/2014
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Posted by guschamp84 on 1/20/15 at 10:03 am
Any recipe with Tots in it is awesome.


re: Your favorite vacation?

Posted by guschamp84 on 1/20/15 at 8:47 am
THese are a lot of great vacations. What would be interesting is if you said what you spent on each. Wifey and two kids planning for next holiday now.
Man, even if we denied it, we'd get accused of it, so embrace the love. Auburn is the grand master, NATIONAL CHAMPION of paying players.

We fricking could teach the NSA about how to bury secrets. the AU bagman network is unparalleled. The Swiss banks cant trace money we handle.

And we lead
Thats not how we do it any more. Auburn pays in bitcoin.
Duh. Everybody knows that.

I'd prefer to get my dick blown anyway. :lol:
ALL Alabama fans are descendants of Gomer.

I kind of like Sabans answer on this issue of continuing OV's even after commitment.

"You lookin..we lookin".
Look for the expose article in 2 weeks...
Fat coach jokes are a staple of tRant especially when aimed at Arkansas. Its low hanging fruit admittedly, but just so delicious.
Better make sure you stay parked when hitting Sonic in Cobb County Ga.


If I were this guy, I would definitely take this to court and demand a jury trial!!! Spend that gubment money .

hmm.. I'll get another

I think its olde school. Not bad! Quality of life aint all upper decks and jumbotrons.

2016 DE Ouinnen Williams is not considered an AU commit at this time.

Did this kid just commit out of the blue? I have read various stories about who he has talked to etc. Story seems to change regularly and he seems to have a Dad who is a knucklehead and "involved".

It doesn't glorify shooting the brown people

Really? Damn. I thought this movie was accurate to the book. I read the book. Lotta brown people get kilt in the book.
What else do I get for the 80? Do I get to keep maintaining a hard on throughout my life? do I still get to bang hot chicks? Can I eat wings every night for 80 years and drink bourbon nightly?

The hardon and hot chicks is non negotiable. Otherwise frick it. Im living to 94 anyway.

re: spinoff- old school steak places

Posted by guschamp84 on 1/19/15 at 9:43 pm
Steak and Ale was an actual restaurant with pretty good food at a good price for a place with some atmosphere. Ate there plenty in the 80's.

Sizzlin, Bonanza, Golden Corral are all dumpster fires best populated by ham planet bama fans and their retarded children.