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Location:Ratchet City, LA
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Registered on:10/28/2014
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re: People who talk over other people

Posted by scott8811 on 7/26/24 at 4:05 pm
They're called narcissists. They either cut you off or talk over you because thier words are more important. I had a buddies wife who was like this....the entire friend group has stopped inviting them places because of it...
Losing my grandfather was really difficult as it was happening... he was in at home hospice and we watched his body essentially shut down over the course of 6 months. I was a wreck as it was happening then was actually relieved when my mom called to say he went. What was unexpected is I feel clo...

re: Disney slashing prices

Posted by scott8811 on 7/24/24 at 9:51 pm
That's amazing! Now weird disney adults can afford to take a children's vacation 4 times a year!!...
when you are in the left lane going 65 in a fricking 75 for 10 miles...how do you sleep at night? ...

re: What’s Jill Biden going to do?

Posted by scott8811 on 7/21/24 at 4:35 pm
The fact she was willing to disregard her husband's health just to keep her life style makes her one of the most evil mf in US political history...
I can't wrap my head around how someone can be undecided one way or the other in this election at this point. What else are you waiting to see? ...

re: Hannity is cringefull

Posted by scott8811 on 7/19/24 at 11:50 am
I have no idea how he got a job in broadcasting... the tone and cadence of his voice is horrendous. I find talking to customer service in Bangladesh more soothing...
[quote]That wing of the RNC doesn't truly believe in freedom, they believe their morals should dictate national policy as much as the progressives.[/quote] This...and what's hillarious is both sided are blind to the irony...

re: I’m done drinking

Posted by scott8811 on 7/18/24 at 5:35 pm
do you have the ability to moderate? I mean end of the day it's your choice... so if you prefer not to drink then don't, but thats the difference. I had a buddy who I would have never thought of as an alcoholic, but said stuff like this...lost too many productive days at work to drinking..so he quit...
[quote]As long as you keep the Evangelicals away, yes.[/quote] I don't know why you're getting downvoted...this is the truth. It's really hard to disagree with lower taxes and increased safety...so why isn't conservatism more popular?? The bible thumping drives people away. Just like tranny bulls...
As the title says...got my wife a poorly planned planter that only gets maybe an hour or 2 of sun then dapped shade rest of the day.... looking for visually appealing suggestions she can plant now. Tia...
I'm not sure what the protocol SHOULD be, but no way it's standard to walk the man through the front door of the ER without clearing the waiting room...
he wasn't saying this about ALL women..the fact that she took it like that is an interesting projection though ...

re: The Absolute State of Modern Women

Posted by scott8811 on 7/10/24 at 5:29 pm
[quote]Filming videos of yourself having “fun” just to edit them together to post on social media to get likes and attention from random people for seeing how “happy” and “fun” and “cool” your life is[/quote] What's sad is the most expensive and sure fire way to ensure you don't enjoy a second of...

re: The Absolute State of Modern Women

Posted by scott8811 on 7/10/24 at 4:48 pm
It's wild to see the whiplash they go through on their social media.... from "love yourself" and endless photos of self-indulgent activities to straight up talking about how fricking lonely they are, how dejecting the dating scene is and how they don't feel like it's ever going to happen for them.......

re: Neighborhood Speed Limit Signs

Posted by scott8811 on 7/10/24 at 9:19 am
ours is 17...not 15, not 20...17 and let nme tell you Karen's facebook enforce the frick outta that shite: "TO THE BLACK TAHOE THAT JUST SPEED THROUGH THE NEIGHBORHOOD PROBABLY GOING 25-30 MPH.... PLEASE BE MORE CONSIDERATE" ...
yea...that's on his dumbass...hope the court throws this shite out...
Am I the only one who thinks its beyond fricked that public servants are allowed to hold a top secret meeting on a topic that will directly effect the election for our nations highest office??? think about that for a second. This isn't an NBA team holding a players only meeting during a fricking seaso...

re: Western Civilization is Dying

Posted by scott8811 on 7/8/24 at 4:29 pm
Imagine judging someone for how many children they chose to bring into the world and wanting them to be *checks notes* financially secure...