Favorite team:The Citadel
Location:Formerly of tLandmass now in Texas
Interests:Foosball junkie - otherwise known as Fan-Addict
Number of Posts:17585
Registered on:10/26/2014
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[quote]He's still not deporting them. Political grand standing at best. Treason at worst.[/quote] Serious question; are you retarded?...
[quote]Border “czar” was never even a thing.[/quote] So the AP is wrong in the article above? Also why didn’t Kamala and the administration push back in the countless interviews on the subject and told directly to her face that she was the Border Czar? I mean the Lester Holt video he point blank ...

re: Top Three Defenses in the SEC

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/25/24 at 10:51 pm
[quote]If Texas DL holds up we could be in top 3. [b]We’ll be better across the board except DL.[/b] DE’s and secondary should be better.[/quote] We have identified a fan that really doesn’t comprehend the game….when the DL drops off the secondary pay bro!...

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/25/24 at 8:04 am
[quote]VOR[/quote] This moron has been flying lately has he. He ought to get out from his parent’s basement....
Not bad but I find it hard to believe that: - Texas getting top 10 DL, lost their two tackles great tackles to the draft and lost their DL coach. Unless they have a stable of proven DTs and hit a home run DL coach hire I just don’t see it (who did they hire?) - LSU with top 10 LB, Perkins is l...
[quote]Pick up coeds?[/quote] Do you realize how hard it is to “pick up” a coed in Starkville? I recommend try a wheel barrel and save your back!...

re: When Horns Down is Sexy

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/22/24 at 7:52 pm
[quote]I wasn't the one taunting the last three years of Texas football. That Tenner dude was so I pointed out his clearly shite performances. Ole Miss lost to three straight unranked teams in that same period, as well as..... ...a 21-7 loss to Baylor! Bwahahahaha SEC losing to Big 12 again...

re: When Horns Down is Sexy

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/22/24 at 2:41 pm
[quote]In those three years you lost to unranked: Pitt Purdue South Carolina Florida[/quote] Dude you lost to Kansas….Kansas…..you have no room to retort. Now go away and speak only when spoken too!...

re: Meet your 47th president.

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/20/24 at 8:50 pm
Who the frick is this moron OP?...
Not sure where the concern about the DBs is coming from…..per insiders Amos and Hamilton are the real deal then the guys behind them are no slouches either (Turnage, Graves & Brown) Also the Safeties are salty AF. Plus having a DL like we have should make their job so much easier. The only concer...
My mother always said if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all……...

re: What happened to Minnesota?

Posted by ABearsFanNMS on 7/19/24 at 2:01 pm
Bunch of p@ssy white boys that do what their soccer mom wives tell them to do!...
Never had to use my side arm in the service (did use my rifle/SBR and radio frequently…..bringing in CAS is a true rush) Only pulled my pistol once when I lived in Memphis and somebody tried to mug me late one Sunday night for my Frenchie....
[quote]She lost her not just her job but her license because the government disapproved of her speech.[/quote] She lost her job because she violated school social media policy and advocated violence on a political opponent. Not sure what is so hard to comprehend but as a teacher you should NEVER ...
I saw the pic with Pelosi the other day and wondered what the back story was....
[quote]The only trouble with that is school system will sell an educator down the river when some dullard parent is upset that their precious little baby got disciplined for an entirely justified reason but the system doesn't want to take the heat. There wouldn't be the need for educator unions i...
[quote]I’ve been thinking the same thing, based on my own shooting with an AR at only 100 yards and in much less stressful situations. But I am not a good shot.[/quote] At 1 MOA a properly trained shooter in the prone with a BZOed rifle should be able to keep a 1” group at 100m with iron sight...
[quote]I don't have experience with sniper rifles, but I imagine having a hand that remains steady under pressure is essential for making an accurate shot. 150 yards is close range for secret service protection, but that's pretty damn far to make an accurate shot. It's one and a half football fields...
They should force every journalist/propagandist and Jotato to watch that video on live TV. Calling people Nazi’s or a threat to democracy for years are the real dog whistles to the loon liberals!...