Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
Number of Posts:53
Registered on:10/6/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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Fun stat. Pelicans are one of only two teams with an SOS above .500 and a positive average margin....
Usually they come on at midnight. West Coast probably 12:30. Latest I've seen them start is 1:00....
I'll probably be getting off just in time to catch Inside the NBA. Hopefully I can stream some of the game at work. Does this mean no late night replay on Fox Sports NO though?...

re: Asik to try and play vs. Kings tonight

Posted by Tweak on 11/25/14 at 3:21 pm
Really don't like the sound of that. Would rather him say he is or isn't going to play. 10-20mins of hampered play time isn't worth risking further injury. [quote]Just saw PJ Brown in Sams.[/quote] Ouch. Nostalgia. I miss that lineup of Davis, Wesley, Mashburn, Brown, and Magloire....
[quote]casspi went hard on us last game[/quote] True, but its not like he plays that well consistently. Miller is a proven defender and has the athletic advantage. But hell, maybe Casspi will go off again as a statement since we canned him immediately....
Gay is out tonight. I'm assuming Casspi will be starting. He shouldn't have a problem with that matchup....
I don't watch the news. Can some one fill me in or shoot me a link on what all this is about?...

re: Bars for Pelicans games

Posted by Tweak on 11/24/14 at 11:39 pm
Only been to the Londoner once, but it seemed pretty awesome. I have friends that work at both George's. They usually have the games on there....
[quote]then take him out[/quote] I would've been all for this assuming they had a viable replacement....
[quote]Does Monty not have the balls to tell him to cut it the frick out? [/quote] How do you keep a player in after telling him he needs to stop screwing up? That destroys his mindset. You just tell them what you think they need to do. And they do it or they don't. I can guarantee you that you do...
[quote]Why does it seem like opposing teams always have wide open 3s down the stretch? They always make them too. And when we get the exact same shot we miss it every fricking time. [/quote] Momentum....
[quote]Why didn't he keep doing that? [/quote] How many stoppages did you see earlier in the 4th? You can call out sets and plays all you want. But those are expected to be diverged from the intended play at least 50% of the time. Hell, in high school ball, if you think you have a good look, you ju...
[quote]i don't blame Monty for this, i blame reke and jrue not spreading the ball around in the last 10 minutes [/quote] Exactly this. Do you guys really think Monty just told Reke and Holiday to drive into the paint and take heavily contested shots as his game plan for the 4th quarter? That was...
Not like I got the numbers in front of me, but we just looked selfish and foolish in the 4th. I doubt we had 5 assists. Everyone just wanted to shoot. That killed us over our lack of D....
I really don't pay much attention to college basketball. But I remember that draft clearly. I prayed for Drummond first, Lillard second, and Marshall third. And I cringed when we picked Rivers. Haven't seen Marshall much in the pros, but I've seen his stat lines. Why has he had so much trouble?...
My mind is still blown that people question AD....
Gotta give Jrue props tho. Every time he screws up, he gets intense and makes a big play afterwards....