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re: J.D. Vance was a bad pick

Posted by Masterag on 7/23/24 at 10:52 pm
[quote]J.D. Vance was a bad pick [/quote] agree [quote]He just reeks of scumeness[/quote] disagree he's an economic liberal who wants DEI/affirmative action for hillbillies. ...
[quote]I never liked the dude... never understood the fawning over him after he off-ed himself. The content he covered was ok, his personality brought it down though. Douchey 1 Awesome 0[/quote] I loved No Reservations and watched every episode, AB was a great chef, enjoyed an adventure, and I...
[quote]whatkinda picwetalking about [/quote] just random goofing off pics, sending photos of new hair dos, etc. Wife already knows what she looks like, had a pic of her taking a bath and wife found it in my phone. hadn't looked at it in years, forgot it was there. ...
[quote]noodz? [/quote] nah... had them in an encrypted app on my phone. deleted a while ago. :wah:...
[quote]Post them here of course [/quote] :lol:...
... in his computer photo library? if he's married. ...
[quote]Do you know what tacitly and implicit mean? Your sentence in contradictory. lmao. [/quote] Yes, I do. And no, it isn’t. If you’re walking in a line single file and a person who steps out of line gets shot, there is a tacit understanding that you should stay in line. If you’re wal...
[quote]So now you are backpedalling and saying it's "tacit" when before you implied it was compulsive for women to work.[/quote] I literally said “not tacitly,” do you know how to read? Cause that might be your problem. [quote]I inferred this from your earlier comments about "spending years e...
[quote]Who is forcing women into the workplace today?[/quote] Basically all of society. Not tacitly, of course, but it’s implicit in our culture that women should be out earning and competing with men, and kids should be in child care. In fact, most people are surprised when my wife says she’s a ...
[quote]Jesus christ this is cringe. Women are more than baby factories, bro.[/quote] Is it cringe to say a woman spends years evaluating the man as a potential father? ...
[quote]How about you let women make their own choices in life and if they want to be a GirlBoss career woman that is fine and their choice.[/quote] Simone de Beauvoir recognized that if women had the decision to either stay at home with their children or go out into the workforce, they would choo...
[quote]It is an educational fact that your child will (or should) start pre-K by age 3. So someone else will be “raising your kid” by that age.[/quote] Mine won’t and no child should be going to any kind of school by age 3. This is a relatively recent thing. [quote]Don’t put your kid in a shi...
[quote]You sound rich. My grandmother chopped cotten in Arkansas to help ends meet.[/quote] I’m not rich, we just have our priorities in order when it comes to raising kids. We make sacrifices that most don’t. ...
[quote]Does a working father then not give his “best self” as a dad? I don’t even know what your comment means. You can absolutely be a dad/mom and work. It’s about setting boundaries at work. That’s true for working moms and dads. If you are working 70 hour weeks you probably aren’t going to be ma...
[quote] It takes a special kind of person to thrive in that type of environment.[/quote] That is literally what moms are supposed to do and did from the beginning of human history till like five minutes ago. None of my great grandmothers ever had jobs outside the home. They raised kids, fed anima...
[quote]You can be a mom and work, too[/quote] No you can’t. One or the other will not get your best self. ...
[quote]The men in that generation were some of the toughest in all history. Definitely could teach some of the males in today’s society a few things.[/quote] People adapt quite quickly. If the circumstances demanded men toughen up, it would happen quite quickly. And I didn’t know any World War Tw...
[quote]Where are her parents? All of my kids - boys and girls - know not to touch things that aren’t theirs[/quote] Her mom was like 20 ft. away just watching. My son would never, he knows not to go up to strangers and invade their space. Clearly this girl doesn’t have good home training, so my a...