Favorite team:Virginia 
Location:LSU and UVA alum
Occupation:Civil Engineer
Number of Posts:5368
Registered on:8/5/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]robots that can cook and clean and don't complain, don't have emotional baggage...[/quote] And don’t weigh 300 pounds...
[quote]~8-10 shots were fired[/quote] And only grazed his ear? That shooter was definitely a Democrat ...

re: Civil war ancestors/family stories

Posted by Ping Pong on 7/10/24 at 10:37 pm
[quote]no one recognizes the unionists in the south who remained loyal to their nation. Monuments everywhere to soldiers but I am not aware of a single one to unionists who suffered and died for their cause as well. STrange that....[/quote] Who would out up these monuments? They betrayed their ow...
Tom Cotton is just a young Dick Cheney. Terrible choice for VP...
cover it with rabbit wire and plant shrubs around your house to hide it...
[quote]2008 at Miss. State was UGLY[/quote] I believe you mean 2009. 2008 was at home...
Why are you inconveniencing yourself by bringing a 2 year old on a trip across the country that they will never remember? Get a babysitter...
Didnt Ohio State sell the rights to their field a few years ago to Safelite repair?...
[quote]games in February can be miserable [/quote] True [quote]July[/quote] Lol this is worse than february ...
Every sport is “‘minor” at Mizzou...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/5lwV9e0_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand[/img] ...
When I first started watching sports 20 years ago as a kid, I never understood why everyone hated Tennessee. They sucked at everything. But as they’ve achieved small amounts of success in football and baseball the past few years, I now completely understand. Tennessee fans epitomize douchebaggery....
Because in America, graduating highschool is strongly tied to entering adulthood. Its become less about the achievement itself and more about the next stage of life you're entering into. ...
[quote]RFK, jr. Will be the VP candidate on the Democratic ticket when Joe steps down and they actually name the presidential Candidate. He will be considered the one to unify the Democratic Party behind the presidential pic.[/quote] 0% chance that happens. Establishment Democrats HATE him...
We've killed Florida's spirit so many times. You could call 50 different tigers the "Spirit Breaker of the University of Florida" :lol:...

re: What is your unpopular opinion?

Posted by Ping Pong on 5/8/24 at 8:46 am
[quote]Israel is ethnically cleansing 2 million people.[/quote] That's not an opinion. Giving a shite about it is an opinion. I do not...
About 10-15 years ago, some commie grad student said he was going to burn the American flag on LSU's parade grounds. The counter protest that showed up was so large and hostile that he chickened out and opted for police to escort him away to safety. :lol:...
[quote]seriously. NYE comes by and you blink then it's May. Memorial Day weekend comes and it feels like years between then and Labor Day weekend.[/quote] ...