Favorite team:Iowa 
Location:South Dakota
Number of Posts:8707
Registered on:6/3/2014
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[quote]In the mid 80s, the LSU course had a sign that read: Shirts required on the 1st tee. I cannot believe I actually played shirtless, but it was fairly common [/quote] I remember this too while growing up in the 80's, though not at LSU, specifically. Where I grew up in Iowa, there were a fe...

re: Is Rescue Me worth a binge?

Posted by SoDakHawk on 7/25/24 at 11:06 am
One of my favorites. Loved that show. Yes, worth the watch....
He's 78 years old. I'm sure he played a lot more golf and was a lot better golfer when he was younger, going all the way back to his 20's. He's rich, probably belongs to multiple, multiple golf clubs, and has all his life. Why is it impossible to believe he has 22 club championships as a 78-year-...
This video puts to rest all the negativity surrounding Trump's golf game. The guy can play. Serious old man golf game. Yeah, the putting stroke looks ugly, but it is consistent and repeatable, and that is the key. Trump consistently rolls those putts right up next to the hole, minimizes any chan...
Bump from the past. Been watching this as one of those shows you have on TV during the day for background noise. My conspiracy theory is that (maybe) thousands of years ago an alien spaceship crashed into the mesa and the remnant of that ship is what the drill keeps hitting and can't penetrate. ...
Ok, wait. CM Punk was not cleared for months. This Vega chick has one arm....
Oh my God, yes. I would do weird things with Liv....
Dom, you made Liv cry. I will console her....
Dom needs to assert his authority. He's too big of a man for just one woman. Like any strong Mexican, he needs a sidepiece. Mami just needs to learn to live that Dom's got Liv as his sidepiece....
UNI can't afford it. They're having a tough enough time keeping up with the Dakotas in the MVFC. The MVFC is better than CUSA anyway....
[quote]You have to keep in mind that the greens currently only have 1 big dragon and every time it leaves KL its a risk. I agree with you that breaking the blockade should be priority 1 and is worth the risk. BUT as has been shown throughout the show, these are people that grew up during times of pe...
These videos are just getting old and dumb. Ever time this part of the show comes up I just, ehh, sigh. Boring....
Dom is a victim. Crappy dad. Girlfriend that guilts him constantly....
Gunther minding his own business backstage and he is attacked by that street thug....

re: Woke another one up

Posted by SoDakHawk on 7/19/24 at 9:39 pm
My oldest is 22. Every one of his friends are for Trump. Anecdotal, but there are a lot of Trump supporters amongst the youth....
Prime bottle down again!...
WWE will screw LA Knight over again. I've come to the realization that his career will never peak at WWE and he's destined as a mid-card guy even though he is better than that. Guy was on fire getting great pop, still does, but at some point they need to put a belt on him. They won't this time ei...
Jax sucks so bad. Why does WWE keep pushing her on us?...
It was a speech with stories intertwined. I liked the stories. In his stories he spoke directly to the auto workers and manufacturing sector. He spoke directly to Americans about the border. He gave us a behind the scenes look about his interactions with world leaders. He told us the story of h...