Favorite team:Tulane 
Interests:Fat girls.
Occupation:Fat girl pleaser.
Number of Posts:5437
Registered on:5/10/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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What are you expecting from the golden eagles this season? ...
Good evening baws.... is rt3 busy skinning kittens tonight? ...
How isn't it considered attempted murder or even an act of terrorism? ...

re: Creatine and weight loss

Posted by dupergreenie on 7/26/24 at 11:54 am
You take it regardless if you work out or not? I'm asking if I should take it before and after working out. It seems like it would benefit doing both....

re: Creatine and weight loss

Posted by dupergreenie on 7/26/24 at 6:45 am
Can you take creatine before and after work outs? I have read different things on line. ...
[quote]It sucks that people can go through life without ever trying it to see how well it could work for them[/quote] 100% agree. If my shoulders were not wrecked I would have joined a class again. Not only is it good physically but it can help you forget about some problems you are dealing with...
[quote]They couldn't find us an empty gate....at 12:30AM.[/quote] Yes because most of the RONs are already at the gates. They might have a pad where they can tow planes to however at that time it's usually a skeleton crew....
Pratt didn't necessarily suck but the play calling was crap. It basically seemed as his passing options were a 4 yard curl to Bauman or deep passes to Jackson/Keys. Tulane probably upgraded at WR and if the Qb can get going Hughes will have a monster year. 9 wins should be easy to get this ye...
Hey baws....and rt3. Always good to see Liv...
I think Walter/Gunther will beat Priest at Summerslam for the title. Knight will probably get the U.S. title there as well. Drew and Punk didn't really need the failed cash in to further their feud any and now you can potentially have Seth in a 3 way match at Summerslam with the winner potentially...
Why not both? And I'm more of a Liv and Alexa fan myself.... but I wouldn't change the channel if any of them were nekkid.......
[quote]really don’t think she would look that good naked.[/quote] I'll be the judge of that.......
You have to be good off the cuff. Management needs to direct her better....
[quote]but it's only a 3 week build for Summerslam[/quote] When is war games?...
Ko got a thumb up the bum and a fist in the nuts...
Ole baw might be concussed...
[quote]Audio and Video have noticeably fricked up tonight.[/quote] You can just blame Canada for that. ...
[quote]For daring to say him and Uncle Dave are polar opposites[/quote] I'd figure he would let you bang his wife for saying that.... ...
R-Truth should come out saying i don't think thats even pg....
[quote]Cornette[/quote] Could he cut a promo without mentioning Trump? I stopped listening to him because I got tired of everything turning back to his hatred for Trump....