Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Boxtard BPB®© emeritus
Biography:Have 8 published novels now
Interests:Mrs. Rabbit, 4 entertaining grandbunnies
Occupation:weird dream interpreter
Number of Posts:61122
Registered on:3/24/2006
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re: RIP, Bob Newhart

Posted by liquid rabbit on 7/18/24 at 3:15 pm
Saw Newhart live in Vegas way back in the day. Dude was a master of comedic timing....
[quote]BK Lounge[/quote] I didn't know Burger King had a lounge....

re: Car you drove in high school

Posted by liquid rabbit on 6/26/24 at 11:32 am
1962 Chevy II. I changed the ragged headliner to a groovy baby blue pattern. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/goypZhicRBYlUDQTLw7wmoeU2O8gUWpeNvVqiYHbiUk/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4u/aHN3c3RhdGljLmNv/bS9naWYvY2hldnJv/bGV0LW5vdmEtMy5q/cGc[/img]...
There's living large, and there's living gigantic....

re: Gameday traffic

Posted by liquid rabbit on 6/24/24 at 5:35 pm
No and hell no. Should just call it National Pandering Day....
Government at all levels allowing schools to become propaganda machines for a leftist viewpoint....
Looks sorta like a coffin. Which in a way, it is....
Big things come in little packages. :bow:...

re: 2023 birth rates by race

Posted by liquid rabbit on 6/11/24 at 11:32 am
If you add the blacks and Hispanics, you get tree-fiddy....

re: CVS Pharmacy

Posted by liquid rabbit on 6/7/24 at 4:16 pm
Express Scripts FTW...
The only antidote to an earworm is to have a throwdown song that you absolutely love ready to take its place. When you hear crap, cue up your mental tune and you're gold....
Milam appears to be very good at baseball....
The 20/20 hindsight around here is incredible....