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re: Diversity Leads to Tribalism

Posted by riccoar on 7/24/24 at 11:59 am
Wrong. Nobody is saying to stop being or practicing things that are naturally cultural to you. It simply means that you choose to migrate here and become and accept the American lifestyle, rather than having Americans adapt to your native lifestyle. I've never in my times abroad had anyone fa...

re: Diversity Leads to Tribalism

Posted by riccoar on 7/24/24 at 11:41 am
[quote]Diversity works (or could) where people assimilate to the national identity and its laws and traditions. That has not happened here.[/quote] It did at one time. The problem is Leftists bastardized that. Every other Nation does not cater to other Nationalities by claiming that it's citize...

re: Here's some polling data

Posted by riccoar on 7/24/24 at 10:38 am
The Republican will always lose nationally. Too many lazy arse grifters in the big cities...
Democrats are the Kings of the mentally ill. The stories on Reddit are out of this world...
[quote]If he has 34% black then this will be Reagan/Mondale-esque.[/quote] I believe it. I heard a black man tell a Harris supporter online that Democrats booking Trump and charging him with bogus crimes made him more relatable to blacks and their struggles with the Justice System. There is a...
There is a contingent of SBC that is trying to slowly go the the route of what happened to the United Methodists. They portrayed the block of declaring only men could be lead pastors as a major victory, when you actually look into the numbers, the majority support just that, but don't have the re...
[quote]Is this a Looney Loomer tweet?[/quote] Off subject. I bet she's a straight beast in the sack. Crazy chicks usually are. ...
The script they are peddling is not on anyone's agenda or radar. It's literally the economy. Plus, last night I actually was on Tik Tok and heard a black man tell a Joe Biden forum why he was voting for Trump. He said, "When we saw Donald Trump arrested, and put through sham trials, he in...
If this dude kicks it while in office, everyone who denied their was a Deep State should be punched in the mouth. The leaps one party would go to in order to have control. The only way Trump loses 2024 is if they cheat again....
That's how Democrats roll. If it's got a (D), they vote for it. They don't have to know their agenda or background. Or a pulse. It took Joe Biden being cast into the ticket to get Kamala here. And they still had to cheat to win. ...

re: Biden officially out

Posted by riccoar on 7/21/24 at 8:51 pm
How do you get someone else's name on the ballot?...
Trump should produce the Tulsi Takedown into a commercial...
Doubtful. He’s finishing his term to keep Kamala as a nobody. They know she’s as worse as Joe. In my humble opine, Dems waited too long. Nobody can come in and not be labeled as continuing the downward spiral of this Biden economy because they will do everything Joe was told to do by Obama ...
[quote]Trump will turn off the $$$ spigot on day 1[/quote] Yes, and few understand why. It's not because he's Putin's puppet. It's because he knows where the money is actually going. Biden to Zelensky before Trump took oath: "Don't ask his administration for money because he will become su...
At this point, I'd be skeptical of anything they release. They scrubbed this kids stuff very quickly. Remember, we still can't see the Nashville Trans shooters manifesto....
Had to be. You couldn't hide a full blown TIA....
I wonder if he stays President but says he won't seek re-election? ...
[quote]Why is this getting so much air time from Democrats? [/quote] Ben Shapiro answer to Eric Swalwell's Project 2025 question was epic. "I think like President Trump, I haven't looked all that deeply at Project 2025, but it seems that Democrats on this committee, sort of like Peter Pan and...
Let me break your heart there sky screamer. The #1 selling product in men's novelty T-shirts on Amazon yesterday were the Trump Fight T-Shirts. A 192,400% increase in sales by the Trump T-shirt alone. But go ahead and cry about a golf story. ...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by riccoar on 7/16/24 at 12:23 pm
[quote]Yeah, they are feeding you what you want to hear on this...[/quote] This. They scrubbed every Social Media account he had almost immediately. So any info you are getting is from those who only want to release things that benefit themselves....