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re: Salma Hayek is 57 years old!

Posted by blafayette on 7/22/24 at 11:12 am
She is definitely swimming in the deep end of the genetic pool. ...
Maybe these "students" should get their money the old-fashioned way: get a rich uncle to pay for it. My rich uncle, Uncle Sam, he had this awesome collection of ships, subs, and aircraft that he let me use anytime I wanted AND he payed my tuition. All I had to do was travel to strange and exotic pl...
The Epstein tapes would have been released long ago if there were evidence that Trump did some stuff on the island. Dims would gladly sacrifice 100 congressmen to take out Trump. There are plenty more dims ready to take over the reigns of Schiff, Pelosi, et al. ...
[quote]Problem is CO is chock full of affluent hipster suburban types that are the most infected with the woke mind virus. They will go down with the ship as they are the most brainwashed. While NJ and NM have more working class voters that aren't as brainwashed.[/quote] Since a lot of the Dim ...
Gave my dogs the "Thunder Wunders" with hemp oil. The golden retriever, who used to be really scared, snoozed on the couch like she was on the beach in the bahamas. The yorkie poo, who is usually the "I ain't afraid of no ghosts" dog, was bouncing around the house like the weed was giving him a ...
Tell all your friends to vote for rfk. A vote for not-biden is the same as voting for Trump. It stops the dim's from using your name and likeness (NIL deal, possibly) and letting a dead guy or an illegal alien from stealing your vote and voting for weekend-at-bidens....
I don’t think Trump is going after Biden. The J6 committee, however, is goin down to gitmo...
Unfortunately, some people in philly will believe this garbage newspaper and vote for Biden anyway. There should be a requirement for having passed civics and American history with a C+or better before getting a voter id card. ...

re: Trump is about to crush CNN

Posted by blafayette on 6/27/24 at 4:28 pm
Why is CNN putting a 1-2 MINUTE delay on the presidential debate AND banning the White House press pool? Are they going to use some ChatGPT AI robot to replace Biden's voice? Also, in case you haven't seen it, here's what Biden's been doing at Camp David [link=(https://twitter.com/i/statu...
Has anyone thought about doing this in Ukraine? If not, let's get a TD strike team assembled. ...
[quote]GOP Rep. Pushes Outlandish Claim to Maria Bartiromo: ‘Millions of Illegal Immigrants’ May ‘Cast Votes in the Swing States’ to Ensure Biden Victory[/quote] "Outlandish claim" Hmmm. Seems like that website wants you to believe that there's nothing to see here. Continue to "obey". [img...
How many people do you personally know that will vote for the Brandon? RFK? Trump? I know 2 lesbians in the neighborhood (sorry, no pics…they are fugly) who are steadfast against Trump because he’s going to take away their human rights! Also have a professor friend and a physical therapist who...
They will administer a lethal dose, then blame Trump’s constant badgering as the cause of a stroke. No mention of amphetamines will be in autopsy results. The report is probably already written. ...
So Trump is now a respected virologist who should have known better? Come on man. At the time, did we know that the deep state included 99% of DoJ, FBI, CIA, Hollywood, CDC, and most hospital staff?? He followed his experts guidance, but never forced the vaccine on anyone. Unlike the Dims, who a...

re: 270 to 268 Biden wins

Posted by blafayette on 6/15/24 at 3:21 pm
Upvote count was 108/7 when I gave you a DV. That’s about 94% FOR Trump, without cheat codes installed. If you turn off the cheat code, Trump will win every state. With the cheat installed, it’s gonna be a nail-biter. ...
[quote]Joe Will have a senior moment soon where he thinks he still with Robert Byrd and he’ll drop the N word and be officially finished.[/quote] That would be so frickin' awesome. ...
As it always has been since the beginning of time, Might Makes Right. If the Palestinians were stupid enough to take the Iranian missiles and launch them against Israel, they deserve to get smashed. ...