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Registered on:12/27/2013
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[quote]21 Jump Street[/quote]I was going to go with The Hangover but the 21 Jumpstreet movies were hilarious and more recent....
[quote]Does the FBI clean crime scenes?[/quote]They do not. Is that the same day?...
[quote]Its extremely relevant when you say “typical clear chaser”[/quote][quote]Not an honors law grad that was an ex girlfriend from college who was a fellow athlete[/quote]Ok, she's an educated cleat chaser. Does that satisfy you? Wtf you simping for this cleat-chasing gold-digging ho for anyw...
[quote]A 4x all sec athlete who graduated law school with honors [/quote]Irrelevant...
[quote]Still doesn’t mean the girl ain’t a slut for letting a man that doesn’t care about being with her nut up in her.[/quote]This girl knew what she was doing. This is the poster child for cleat chasers. Full Instagram hair and makeup during birth. I ain't saying she a gold digger, but she knew...

re: WOKE John Deere.....

Posted by King George on 7/9/24 at 10:54 am
[quote]But seeing that Bill Gates is their largest shareholder is just creepy[/quote]This gives me the willys....
[quote]It wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I'm assuming her thought was that if she could somehow kill Vhagar,[/quote]I'm just making it clear that she wouldn't get run down if she wanted to flee....
[quote]Is Alan the son that faked his death?[/quote][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/h58xZKsjhPwLIvMw6d/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]Assuming would get run down[/quote]Meleys is supposed to be one of the fastest dragons ever. Vhagar would never catch her....
[quote]Idaho is constitutional carry. And we don't have any of those problems. We also have one of the lowest violent crime rates in the country, while having an extremely high gun ownership rate.[/quote]I would that’s mostly due to Idaho’s demographics. Idaho’s population of well well wells is le...
[quote]Translation: bow to my demands or ill make sure you dont get your 3am ballot dump[/quote]That's what I heard...
[quote]GRRM has been involved with the show throughout the process, more so than he was in late GOT seasons. That angle was pursued with the blessing of the guy who wrote it at that point.[/quote]Doesn't mean it doesn't suck....
[quote]It was well acted; cant deny that. But i had a little difficulty with the idea that the very proud Quenn Rheanyra would sneak into Kings Landing dressed as a nun. All season she has been uppity and talks about "my throne" and usurpers. Then on a whim she says, i must talk to Alicent. And i do...
[quote]They also aren't trashing anything.[/quote]They're trashing the character development they built in the first season. [quote]The book is a history told from a POV that can't have all the details because they weren't in every room and didn't witness every decision and conversation.[/quote]T...
[quote]How bad do they trash Rook's Rest?[/quote]Supposedly, TG turns on itself....
Leaks are out for E4 (Rook's Rest) on Reddit for anyone who cares to see what they're gonna trash next....
You can screw up a lot of things in a superhero movie and still get away with it sometimes. But you absolutely cannot screw up Superman's suit. It's a freaking American icon. They managed to get it right even in the 50's. For someone to think that is ok with today's technology is criminal....
[quote]But she played games with both her husband and best friend when Otto didn’t tell her to.[/quote] :lol: What? [quote]She employed Laryse knowing what he was[/quote]:lol: What? [quote]other devious shite like the Cole situation[/quote]What is the devious Cole situation? That she's fricking...
[quote]Also, do any fans pull for the Greens?[/quote]Right here. TG baby!! Can't wait to see how the showrunners shite all over us again next week and then make the bastard whore and her team of DEI hires look like victim/heroes!! [quote]Criston and Aegon are so unlikeable. [/quote]Yep!! They ...
Seems like a huge jump seeing as Cregan explained to Jace he basically needs every healthy, young man to stay in the north. Plus, none of the previews have shown any Stark soldiers in any battles. I’d prefer they stick closer to the book. It’s already deviated to the point of pushing D&D for sh...