Favorite team:Missouri 
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Registered on:10/12/2013
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re: Woman calls 911 over 400 times

Posted by rexorotten on 7/18/24 at 5:17 pm
Walking up to a stranger's vehicle in a fit of rage,with a gun in hand, is a great way to get justifiably shot....
Shut up and put your mask on, dummy....

re: Torture technique

Posted by rexorotten on 7/17/24 at 4:47 pm
You must be single. 3 wives would be the worst torture....
First job out of college: 10 months 2 years Current job: 23 years...
That's why it took so long to identify him. They had to find a Biologist to confirm....
CNN - MAGA Republicans trash bleachers causing global warming....

re: SEC Winning Pct% vs Arkansas

Posted by rexorotten on 7/11/24 at 3:18 pm
[quote]I agreed that was a solid point. Does your baseball championship make you an all time top 25 baseball team?[/quote] Absolutely not. May have pushed us into the top 300 or so....

re: SEC Winning Pct% vs Arkansas

Posted by rexorotten on 7/11/24 at 12:24 am
[quote]1954? I wasn’t even born then. Was it similar to today’s CWS?[/quote] You guys were saying Arkansas is a all time top 25 program, but when it's brought up that Mizzou won a natty in baseball, that was too long ago?...
[quote]Damn, a 6 year year old thread bump [/quote] Yea these people have already became alcohollcs and completed all 12 steps....
[img]https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/429932040_122094077342235443_570942724953826302_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=a5f93a&_nc_ohc=Ehu6V2gkUqYQ7kNvgHkhuCC&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=00_AYBHUTdUHeaaNul6xssmdQfU83vI3N9LQ7aFwJhe6JO3Tw&oe=669510AB[/img] Doesn't matter, kin...
That cat's markings make it look like he has another cat that looks just like him on his back....