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[quote]Apparently OG Aunt Viv said Will Smith was a piece of shite and she didn't want anything to do with him[/quote] Good for her since she saw it way before most people realized what a garbage human being he is....
They aren’t lying. He said this again in an interview linked below: He’s just an idiot that can’t keep his foot out of his mouth and was a horrid choice by Trump in an election where he needs to bring in the middle of the road voters. [link=(https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2024/07/24/j-d...

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/25/24 at 1:11 pm
He was quoted making a stupid statement on video. Linked in the article below: [link=(https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2024/07/24/j-d-vance-calls-kamala-harris-a-childless-cat-lady/74526961007/)]Stupid Vance comments. [/link] ...
Again, Vance is an idiot making utterly stupid generalizations that are not backed by anything. But, MAGA morons soak up this stupidity, which will only hurt Trump’s election efforts. ...
[quote]Liberals have fewer kids on average than conservatives[/quote] A better metric is education. More highly educated people have fewer children than lower educated people. It’s not a knock, just a fact and a byproduct of more schooling. The time invested in education means less likely to...
Why as re they breaking it down by 18-49 and then basically 50+? Seems like a stupid way to do it. First off, significant differences in people ages 18-24 and 45-49. They should break the stats down into smaller subsets to see the trends. That will be how you get a better understanding. ...

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/25/24 at 12:36 pm
Where did I state anywhere that Kamala was intelligent? She is a moron too. It is not difficult to graduate in two years from college anymore, even prestigious ones. This is especially true in the case of a BA I something like Political Science as there are tons of credits that transfer over. Wh...

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/25/24 at 12:21 pm
Blaming the world’s ills on single women is pretty stupid ...

re: If Kamala is so amazing…

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/25/24 at 12:16 pm
They are going after Vance because he is an utter moron. He says utterly stupid things and was a choice for VP that actually makes you question Trumps mental function. :lol:...
White Zionist male. This is really going to mobilize some of their base. :rolleyes: ...
You mean the guy that the NFL basically cheated to get into the Super Bowl multiple times and the one whose team got screwed by the refs and league in the Super Bowl go hand the championship to the Rams? :lol: The WWNFL is a hilarious product. ...

re: J.D. Vance was a bad pick

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/24/24 at 4:01 am
It was a stupid choice because he brings nothing of value to the ticket other than potentially pushing away voters on the fence. MAGA folks are voting for Trump either way, but moderates and independents are seeing Vance as the scum salesman he is and may either sit it out or vote for not Trump....
Who cares? One of the biggest wastes of time on Earth. ...
The reality is that Trump and all politicians should stand up for the good cops. That means calling out the bad ones that make their jobs and lives harder. It’s hilarious to watch both sides on these types of issues arguing the same arguments in different situations. Left: Call out cops on v...
[quote]as LSUpimp said, all it does is marry Trump to the orthodoxy of the left,[/quote] What orthodoxy? That shitty cops exist that should be held accountable for the horrible things they do? See, people like you are the problem. To you, acknowledgement that bad cops exist means all cops are...
He can simply come out and say that this is an awful tragedy that should never have happened. The investigation is taking place and if found to be at fault, the cop should serve the appropriate punishment. He does not have to attack cops, but can admit they can be wrong, and in those instances (...

re: Babylon Bee.... Hilarious...

Posted by Geauxgurt on 7/20/24 at 10:11 pm
That was awful. It wasn’t even witty. Pretty weak for the Bee, which is usually strong. ...
They have basically ruined the sport. Hard to put as much care into it these days. They are ultimately going to end it is my guess. ...
[quote]More than 30 Americans were killed in the Hamas attack and 24 were taken hostage. That’s an attack on America my man.[/quote] They were Israelis. They chose to take that citizenship. In that sense, they are not Americans when in Israel. Stop trying to compare them to Americans visiting a f...
[quote]No it isn't but it depends on the timeline. Plus, do you consider the DTAP a single vaccine? If so, that is part of the disconnect.[/quote] It is being pushed as if you get them in each shot. That’s simply not true. Yes, there are plenty of combo vaccines like DTAP and MMR. These are...