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Posting Guidelines
by Circus Child
May 29, 20120 Comments
Welcome to SECrant.com, the greatest site in the history of the internet (tied with TigerDroppings.com). We are glad you have found us, and hope your stay is enjoyable.
While it may seem like a lot of rules to follow (see below), you really have to go out of your way to break them.
The idea is to operate a message board that all fans can use and enjoy. The site is free and registration is open to anyone. However, the future of this site depends on the cooperation, participation, and support of its members, and the respect of the guidelines that help govern it. The administrators rely on the members to advise them of violations of the forum rules.
That being said...
1. DO choose your user name carefully when you first register. Search the Member List to check for names that are similar to yours. We recommend that you don't use your real name, or any alias that would allow people to personally identify you.
2. DO NOT flame or troll the board.
3. DO NOT expect any tolerance for statements, opinions, or views that are bigoted, racist, sexist, or hateful. Further, linking to sites that contain such content is prohibited.
4. DO NOT engage in personal attacks on other users. Healthy debate is expected and encouraged, but take the childish insults elsewhere. Moderators will be especially watchful for verbal abuse, ridicule, ad hominem attacks, and stalking.
5. DO NOT engage in baseless criticism of SEC athletes, coaches, administrators or recruits. Legitimate evaluation of a player's performance or a coach’s ability is allowed, but personal attacks and insults are prohibited.
6. DO NOT post ANY adult or sexually explicit content OR links to adult or sexually explicit content.
7. DO NOT post images that contain the following:
Nudity or strategically covered nudity
Sheer or see-through clothing
Lewd or provocative poses
Sexually explicit acts
Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches
Also, threads that do contain acceptable babe images should have "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) in the title.
Do not link to acceptable images that originate from porn sites or sites that contain adult content. We suggest you use an image hosting site to host your image before posting them here.
8. DO NOT use excessive profanity. Profanity is discouraged, and depending on the context in which it is used, might result in removal of your post.
9. DO choose a subject line that accurately describes the content of your post. Do not use deceptive subjects to attract attention to your post. Do not use one or two-word subjects that provide no description. And do not post in ALL CAPS.
10. DO NOT threaten another user with physical violence or retribution of any nature whatsoever.
11. DO take a minute to check for an existing thread on a topic of interest to you before starting a new thread.
12. DO not posting anything that could potentially harm (or embarrass) an SEC School or SECrant.com.
13. DO NOT infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.
Violations may subject the user to suspension or, in some cases, removal of the user’s account.
SECrant.com ("SR") respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. It is SR's policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf, SR will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the SECrant.com website (the "Site") that are reported to SR.
If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one, or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please follow instructions in the DMCA and report alleged copyright infringements taking place on or through the Site by contacting us at the email address and/or mailing address found below. Upon receipt of the Notice, SR will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged material from the Site.
Please send DMCA Takedown Notices to:
Fan Droppings Copyright Agent
P.O. Box 270081
Houston, TX 77277-0081
You agree to indemnify and hold SECRant.com and its owners harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of: (a) content that you post or transmit (including but not limited to content that a third-party deems defamatory or otherwise harmful or offensive); (b) activity that occurs through or by use of your account (including, without limitation, all content posted or transmitted); (c) your use of or reliance on any user content; and (d) your violation of the Terms of Use. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred by SR or its owners.
Any user posting on SR is implicitly agreeing to these rules, regardless of whether they have been read or not.
The administrators of SECrant.com reserve the right to delete, edit, or move any post. What follows is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why a post might be deleted, edited, or moved.
• Your post(s) will be whacked if you:
o “Call someone out.”
o “Spam” the board, i.e., attempt to sell goods or services, or direct users to commercial sites, without prior authorization from board management.
o Threaten anyone.
o Stalk another poster, i.e., repeatedly reply to his/her posts for the purpose of ridiculing, mocking, insulting, or flaming.
o Post pictures or link to web sites showing nude men or women, male or female genitalia, or female nipples. This includes images in which such features can be seen through clothing. For women, "nude" means without top and/or bottom. Administrators may block any other images deemed inappropriate.
o Post unsubstantiated information about SEC players, coaches, administrators or officials. Rumors will not be tolerated. News must at least be reported by a mainstream media outlet to support its posting. Other SEC message boards do not count as mainstream media.
o Post copyrighted material from other web sites.
o Flame other boards and brag about it here, or whine about what users on other boards are saying about your school. If you have a problem with another board, take it up with that board's management.
o Create outlandish posts with no other purpose but to flame.
• Your post(s) may be whacked if you:
o Start a new thread for every thought that pops into your head.
o Start a new thread in response to an existing thread.
o Start a new thread commenting on an existing thread anywhere on the site.
o Use an excessive amount of emoticons (i.e., smileys) in a post.
o Use gratuitous profanity.
o Engage in excessive “IMing.”
• Your post(s) may be moved if you:
o Ask for help anywhere but the Help Board.
o Complain about an administrator’s action anywhere but on the Help Board.
o Post on the wrong board. We have multiple boards, each with a specific purpose. Your topic must be relevant to the board on which you are posting.
The moderators request that users report violations of these guidelines by clicking on the button Request Admin button at the bottom of each message. You will see a list of reasons why the post requires attention. All such requests will remain confidential.
Statements or postings that violate the above terms may be deleted. The administrators, without notice, may delete individual messagesor whole threads, move them to the appropriate forum, lock threads, or anchor threads (to keep them from popping to the top of the page). All such actions are within the sole discretion of the administrators. Users who violate these rules may or may not receive a warning. Depending on the severity and frequency of violations, the user may lose his account temporarily or permanently. Account suspensions are at the sole discretion of the owners of SECrant.com. Further, the owners reserve the right to suspend or terminate a user's account for violation of these rules without notice to the user.
Q: How do I display images for avatars and signatures?
A: Images must already be hosted on the internet. To determine the location of a hosted image, right click on the image and select “Properties.” Copy the location address, navigate to the “User Settings” function of the “User Admin” panel, and paste the address it into the appropriate field. In general, it is advisable to save the image to your hard drive and/or to an image-hosting site in order to avoid having your image blocked by the original host (see below).
Q: I have an image on my hard drive or in my email that I’d like to use for my avatar or signature, or post in a thread. How do I do that?
A: Visit free image hosting sites such as imageshack, photobucket or other such sites. Follow the instructions to upload your image, then copy and paste the “direct link” into the appropriate field. You will need to ensure that you use the “direct link” to the image, i.e., the link without any additional HTML language.
Q: Are there any requirements for avatar and signature images?
A: Images should be approximately 30 Kbytes in size. Anything larger than that causes threads to load up slowly. Avatars should be no more than 150 pixels in height and 150 pixels in width. Signature images should be no more than 150 pixels in height and 400 pixels in width. To view an image's pixel size, right-click on the images and go to Properties. The dimensions are shown as width by height. Animated images are not allowed. Administrators may block any image deemed inappropriate. If you need assistance, please post on the Help Board.
Q: May I use an image of the Confederate battle flag as my avatar and/or signature image?
A: No.
Q: My children have access to my computer. How do I make sure that profanity and/or inappropriate images do not appear on this site?
A: The administrators of SECrant.com cannot always ensure that potentially offensive language or images won’t appear on the site. However, the “User Admin” panelcontains several options that allow you to block certain content. Click on “Edit Settings” and choose to display images as links, suppress signature and/or avatar images, or filter profanity.
Q: Can I send private messages to other users?
A: SECrant.com does not have a private message function at this time. We ask that you not start threads asking other users to contact you, turn on IM applications, etc. Whenever possible, please respond to that person in an existing thread to get their attention.
Q: When I post a message, I see buttons with the labels on them. What do they do, and how do I use them?
A: These are called “markup buttons,” which help you to enhance your posts.
• The “link” button allows you to link to other pages and create display text for that link. If you do not type in display text, the default “LINK” will show up.
• The “img” button allows you to directly display images hosted anywhere on the internet. Just paste the location of an image into the field.
• The one-letter buttons allow you to add boldface, italics or underline to any text. Simply select the text you want and click a button.
• Finally, the “quote” button lets you highlight text from another post when you’re responding. You can do this one of two ways. You may copy and paste the text into the message field, select it again, and hit the “quote” button. Or, you may select the text in the original post as it appears at the bottom of the reply screen, and hit the button. It will automatically be pasted as a quotation.
Q: I’ve displayed an image that is too big and is causing the page to expand to the right. Can I prevent that?
A: You can keep any image to a manageable size by adding “ width=XXX” after the file suffix. For instance, https://tigerdroppings.com/images/layout/rantlogo2.gif width=400. Generally, widths over 500 pixels will cause the screen to shift to the right to accommodate the oversized image.
Q: I made a mistake or a typographical error in a post. How do I fix it?
A: Users have the ability to edit their own posts. Just to go your message, click on “Edit Post,” and make your changes. Your new post will display a line of text that the post was edited.
Q: I want to make sure that my avatar and signature images are showing up. Can I make a test post?
A: Yes, but please do so on the Help Board. You do not need to make multiple posts to determine if your images are displaying. Every time you change your user settings, all of your posts reflect the change. Returning to your original post will show if you’ve got it right.
Q: Is there anything I can do if I see a user posting inappropriately?
A: Yes. Please click on the “Request Admin” button to alert the site’s administrators that the post requires attention. You will be able to select the reason for your request. As always, you may email the administrators directly at tigerdroppings@gmail.com.
Q: I want to call attention something I read recently. Is it OK to do that?
A: It depends. The posting of unauthorized copyrighted material, including such items as scans of copyrighted material or posts of subscription-based web articles, is not allowed. For non-subscription based articles (like those you can find on ESPN.com or 2theAdvocate.com), you may provide a teaser (2-3 paragraphs) with a link to the complete article.
Q: I subscribe to a premium recruiting site and post on its message boards. Can I use that information on SECrant.com.
A: Again, it depends. We do not allow the cutting-and-pasting of information from premium web sites, including their message boards. Whether you believe you should have the right to do so, it is in the best interests of this site to prohibit that practice. Even if you do not cut-and-paste information directly from that board, please consider whether it is appropriate to relay the information contained there. In most cases, summarizing information, or relaying information known to the public, is allowed.
Q: I made a post, but it’s not showing up (or it’s been marked as unreadable). What did I do wrong?
A: We’re glad you asked. See the following section, “Posting Perils,” for more information.
The administrators of SR have the last word on enforcement of the foregoing rules. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these rules, please email us at tigerdroppings@gmail.com.
While it may seem like a lot of rules to follow (see below), you really have to go out of your way to break them.
The idea is to operate a message board that all fans can use and enjoy. The site is free and registration is open to anyone. However, the future of this site depends on the cooperation, participation, and support of its members, and the respect of the guidelines that help govern it. The administrators rely on the members to advise them of violations of the forum rules.
That being said...
1. DO choose your user name carefully when you first register. Search the Member List to check for names that are similar to yours. We recommend that you don't use your real name, or any alias that would allow people to personally identify you.
2. DO NOT flame or troll the board.
3. DO NOT expect any tolerance for statements, opinions, or views that are bigoted, racist, sexist, or hateful. Further, linking to sites that contain such content is prohibited.
4. DO NOT engage in personal attacks on other users. Healthy debate is expected and encouraged, but take the childish insults elsewhere. Moderators will be especially watchful for verbal abuse, ridicule, ad hominem attacks, and stalking.
5. DO NOT engage in baseless criticism of SEC athletes, coaches, administrators or recruits. Legitimate evaluation of a player's performance or a coach’s ability is allowed, but personal attacks and insults are prohibited.
6. DO NOT post ANY adult or sexually explicit content OR links to adult or sexually explicit content.
7. DO NOT post images that contain the following:
Nudity or strategically covered nudity
Sheer or see-through clothing
Lewd or provocative poses
Sexually explicit acts
Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches
Also, threads that do contain acceptable babe images should have "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) in the title.
Do not link to acceptable images that originate from porn sites or sites that contain adult content. We suggest you use an image hosting site to host your image before posting them here.
8. DO NOT use excessive profanity. Profanity is discouraged, and depending on the context in which it is used, might result in removal of your post.
9. DO choose a subject line that accurately describes the content of your post. Do not use deceptive subjects to attract attention to your post. Do not use one or two-word subjects that provide no description. And do not post in ALL CAPS.
10. DO NOT threaten another user with physical violence or retribution of any nature whatsoever.
11. DO take a minute to check for an existing thread on a topic of interest to you before starting a new thread.
12. DO not posting anything that could potentially harm (or embarrass) an SEC School or SECrant.com.
13. DO NOT infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.
Violations may subject the user to suspension or, in some cases, removal of the user’s account.
SECrant.com ("SR") respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. It is SR's policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others.
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at https://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf, SR will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the SECrant.com website (the "Site") that are reported to SR.
If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one, or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please follow instructions in the DMCA and report alleged copyright infringements taking place on or through the Site by contacting us at the email address and/or mailing address found below. Upon receipt of the Notice, SR will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged material from the Site.
Please send DMCA Takedown Notices to:
Fan Droppings Copyright Agent
P.O. Box 270081
Houston, TX 77277-0081
You agree to indemnify and hold SECRant.com and its owners harmless from and against any third-party claim, cause of action, demand or damages related to or arising out of: (a) content that you post or transmit (including but not limited to content that a third-party deems defamatory or otherwise harmful or offensive); (b) activity that occurs through or by use of your account (including, without limitation, all content posted or transmitted); (c) your use of or reliance on any user content; and (d) your violation of the Terms of Use. This indemnification obligation includes payment of any attorneys' fees and costs incurred by SR or its owners.
Any user posting on SR is implicitly agreeing to these rules, regardless of whether they have been read or not.
The administrators of SECrant.com reserve the right to delete, edit, or move any post. What follows is a non-exhaustive list of reasons why a post might be deleted, edited, or moved.
• Your post(s) will be whacked if you:
o “Call someone out.”
o “Spam” the board, i.e., attempt to sell goods or services, or direct users to commercial sites, without prior authorization from board management.
o Threaten anyone.
o Stalk another poster, i.e., repeatedly reply to his/her posts for the purpose of ridiculing, mocking, insulting, or flaming.
o Post pictures or link to web sites showing nude men or women, male or female genitalia, or female nipples. This includes images in which such features can be seen through clothing. For women, "nude" means without top and/or bottom. Administrators may block any other images deemed inappropriate.
o Post unsubstantiated information about SEC players, coaches, administrators or officials. Rumors will not be tolerated. News must at least be reported by a mainstream media outlet to support its posting. Other SEC message boards do not count as mainstream media.
o Post copyrighted material from other web sites.
o Flame other boards and brag about it here, or whine about what users on other boards are saying about your school. If you have a problem with another board, take it up with that board's management.
o Create outlandish posts with no other purpose but to flame.
• Your post(s) may be whacked if you:
o Start a new thread for every thought that pops into your head.
o Start a new thread in response to an existing thread.
o Start a new thread commenting on an existing thread anywhere on the site.
o Use an excessive amount of emoticons (i.e., smileys) in a post.
o Use gratuitous profanity.
o Engage in excessive “IMing.”
• Your post(s) may be moved if you:
o Ask for help anywhere but the Help Board.
o Complain about an administrator’s action anywhere but on the Help Board.
o Post on the wrong board. We have multiple boards, each with a specific purpose. Your topic must be relevant to the board on which you are posting.
The moderators request that users report violations of these guidelines by clicking on the button Request Admin button at the bottom of each message. You will see a list of reasons why the post requires attention. All such requests will remain confidential.
Statements or postings that violate the above terms may be deleted. The administrators, without notice, may delete individual messagesor whole threads, move them to the appropriate forum, lock threads, or anchor threads (to keep them from popping to the top of the page). All such actions are within the sole discretion of the administrators. Users who violate these rules may or may not receive a warning. Depending on the severity and frequency of violations, the user may lose his account temporarily or permanently. Account suspensions are at the sole discretion of the owners of SECrant.com. Further, the owners reserve the right to suspend or terminate a user's account for violation of these rules without notice to the user.
Q: How do I display images for avatars and signatures?
A: Images must already be hosted on the internet. To determine the location of a hosted image, right click on the image and select “Properties.” Copy the location address, navigate to the “User Settings” function of the “User Admin” panel, and paste the address it into the appropriate field. In general, it is advisable to save the image to your hard drive and/or to an image-hosting site in order to avoid having your image blocked by the original host (see below).
Q: I have an image on my hard drive or in my email that I’d like to use for my avatar or signature, or post in a thread. How do I do that?
A: Visit free image hosting sites such as imageshack, photobucket or other such sites. Follow the instructions to upload your image, then copy and paste the “direct link” into the appropriate field. You will need to ensure that you use the “direct link” to the image, i.e., the link without any additional HTML language.
Q: Are there any requirements for avatar and signature images?
A: Images should be approximately 30 Kbytes in size. Anything larger than that causes threads to load up slowly. Avatars should be no more than 150 pixels in height and 150 pixels in width. Signature images should be no more than 150 pixels in height and 400 pixels in width. To view an image's pixel size, right-click on the images and go to Properties. The dimensions are shown as width by height. Animated images are not allowed. Administrators may block any image deemed inappropriate. If you need assistance, please post on the Help Board.
Q: May I use an image of the Confederate battle flag as my avatar and/or signature image?
A: No.
Q: My children have access to my computer. How do I make sure that profanity and/or inappropriate images do not appear on this site?
A: The administrators of SECrant.com cannot always ensure that potentially offensive language or images won’t appear on the site. However, the “User Admin” panelcontains several options that allow you to block certain content. Click on “Edit Settings” and choose to display images as links, suppress signature and/or avatar images, or filter profanity.
Q: Can I send private messages to other users?
A: SECrant.com does not have a private message function at this time. We ask that you not start threads asking other users to contact you, turn on IM applications, etc. Whenever possible, please respond to that person in an existing thread to get their attention.
Q: When I post a message, I see buttons with the labels on them. What do they do, and how do I use them?
A: These are called “markup buttons,” which help you to enhance your posts.
• The “link” button allows you to link to other pages and create display text for that link. If you do not type in display text, the default “LINK” will show up.
• The “img” button allows you to directly display images hosted anywhere on the internet. Just paste the location of an image into the field.
• The one-letter buttons allow you to add boldface, italics or underline to any text. Simply select the text you want and click a button.
• Finally, the “quote” button lets you highlight text from another post when you’re responding. You can do this one of two ways. You may copy and paste the text into the message field, select it again, and hit the “quote” button. Or, you may select the text in the original post as it appears at the bottom of the reply screen, and hit the button. It will automatically be pasted as a quotation.
Q: I’ve displayed an image that is too big and is causing the page to expand to the right. Can I prevent that?
A: You can keep any image to a manageable size by adding “ width=XXX” after the file suffix. For instance, https://tigerdroppings.com/images/layout/rantlogo2.gif width=400. Generally, widths over 500 pixels will cause the screen to shift to the right to accommodate the oversized image.
Q: I made a mistake or a typographical error in a post. How do I fix it?
A: Users have the ability to edit their own posts. Just to go your message, click on “Edit Post,” and make your changes. Your new post will display a line of text that the post was edited.
Q: I want to make sure that my avatar and signature images are showing up. Can I make a test post?
A: Yes, but please do so on the Help Board. You do not need to make multiple posts to determine if your images are displaying. Every time you change your user settings, all of your posts reflect the change. Returning to your original post will show if you’ve got it right.
Q: Is there anything I can do if I see a user posting inappropriately?
A: Yes. Please click on the “Request Admin” button to alert the site’s administrators that the post requires attention. You will be able to select the reason for your request. As always, you may email the administrators directly at tigerdroppings@gmail.com.
Q: I want to call attention something I read recently. Is it OK to do that?
A: It depends. The posting of unauthorized copyrighted material, including such items as scans of copyrighted material or posts of subscription-based web articles, is not allowed. For non-subscription based articles (like those you can find on ESPN.com or 2theAdvocate.com), you may provide a teaser (2-3 paragraphs) with a link to the complete article.
Q: I subscribe to a premium recruiting site and post on its message boards. Can I use that information on SECrant.com.
A: Again, it depends. We do not allow the cutting-and-pasting of information from premium web sites, including their message boards. Whether you believe you should have the right to do so, it is in the best interests of this site to prohibit that practice. Even if you do not cut-and-paste information directly from that board, please consider whether it is appropriate to relay the information contained there. In most cases, summarizing information, or relaying information known to the public, is allowed.
Q: I made a post, but it’s not showing up (or it’s been marked as unreadable). What did I do wrong?
A: We’re glad you asked. See the following section, “Posting Perils,” for more information.
The administrators of SR have the last word on enforcement of the foregoing rules. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these rules, please email us at tigerdroppings@gmail.com.
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