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re: Israeli police beat 15 year old US citizen during protest of his cousins death

Posted on 7/8/14 at 12:02 am to
Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 12:02 am to

German Jews


It was a continental massacre


was real but the true story will never be told

It is the most thoroughly documented crime in history. The nazis documented every bit of it. We know the real story. I've heard this bit before. What you're doing isn't fringe, it is outright denial. Let me guess, there's a Jewish conspiracy afoot, the real perpetrators weren't the Germans? I do admire your honesty, but I'm going to be're sick in the head. In a few short years the nazis systematically exterminated over 10 million people, 6 million Jews. They died in the most repugnant fashion under the most horrible and frightening conditions. What you're doing is trivializing their suffering and it's sick. I feel sorry for you. I have no doubts that Carrollton tiger, kashonly and others share these exact sentiments. It's not really shocking though.

On a side note, all of this is allowed but if I say similar things about Christians or talk about how Catholics make the world safer for pedophiles or mock Jesus' I'd be banned at in an instance. No doubt the moderators have seen this, and their inconsistency in enforcing their chickenshit rules is a silent approval of this anti semitism. Not that thought should be discouraged, but other topics and statements are so heavily policed here

This website sucks
Posted by Iosh
Bureau of Interstellar Immigration
Member since Dec 2012
18941 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 12:34 am to

Well, since you're gonna be a fig about it. Sure I'll take that position, tell me why I'm wrong.

While you're at it, answer a few questions for me:

If you consider Palestine to be a "Sovereign" and "Independent" country that goes back through most of recorded history


The problem: If you avoid cherry-picking between quasi-independent PA/Fatah Palestine or statelessness, as Israel does, and take the position that everything from the Mediterranean to the Jordan is fully Israel, it's impossible to have both a Jewish and democratic state. So the "herp derp what's a Palestine" position, as opposed to the far more sensible two-state position, practically begs the apartheid comparisons. Now 40% of the people living in Israeli territory have no franchise, no citizenship, drastically curtailed rights, drastically curtailed freedom of movement, economic retardation, and a de facto police state. How can this be justified or called anything else?

Not by citing Israel's grandfathered Arab minority, as even the slow trickle once allowed was closed in 2003. Not with "terrorism," as the vast majority of Palestinians, or non-citizen Arabs if you prefer, are not terrorists, and in any case the ANC practiced terrorism too. And not by getting really offended about it to shut down discussion, as is done in America (but curiously, not in Israel, where this analogy is made routinely to argue against the one-staters, including by three former prime ministers, or South Africa, where it has been made by both Desmond Tutu and FW de Klerk, who one might think know a thing or two on the subject.)

As to the silly cross-examination, I don't consider Palestine to "go back through most of recorded history." But that's neither relevant nor necessary. Most Arab nations are arbitrary divisions that do not "go back through most of recorded history," thanks to Sykes-Picot. And plenty of countries worldwide have been invented in the 20th century through treaty and consensus. Hell, plenty have been invented in the last 20 years. South Sudan is an agreed-upon fiction. Most of the Central Asian SSRs were too. What's more relevant is that there are a couple million Arabs who have lived there for many generations, that Israel has no interest in naturalizing, that they can't and shouldn't try to force out, and thus both parties' best interests are in having a separate Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank.
This post was edited on 7/8/14 at 12:41 am
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 12:52 am to

It was a continental massacre

In the midst of a world wide massacre. Sorry if I don't feel a special level sorrow for the Jews.


It is the most thoroughly documented crime in history. The nazis documented every bit of it. We know the real story. I've heard this bit before. What you're doing isn't fringe, it is outright denial

Fringe Denial? You are making me laugh man. 80 million people died in that war, and 30,000,000 were civilian deaths. 3.5% percent of the worlds population died between military and civilian deaths. The 6 million number associated with the Jews during WW II is a fraction of those totals, even if one accepts that number at face value. If a person does not believe your version of the events then who fricking cares? We are talking about reducing a worldwide death count from 80,000,000 to 74,000,000 at the most. You expect that to trigger some sort of deep psychological response from people? The religion that is the holocaust tale is starting to wear on the last nerve of a lot of people. The constant charges of anti-semitism really aren't helping.

You holocaust chest beaters seem to enjoy framing the deaths of the Jews as the most horrendous event in WWII while completely disregarding the other 22,000,000 civilian deaths that occurred during the same period of time. To be honest I am pretty tired of hearing the holocaust story repeated ad nauseam, ESPECIALLY in defense of Israel. People are fricking tired of being told that the deaths of the 6 million were special and should never be forgotten while the rest of the world's suffering is framed as a necessary evil.


On a side note, all of this is allowed but if I say similar things about Christians or talk about how Catholics make the world safer for pedophiles or mock Jesus' I'd be banned at in an instance. No doubt the moderators have seen this, and their inconsistency in enforcing their chickenshit rules is a silent approval of this anti semitism. Not that thought should be discouraged, but other topics and statements are so heavily policed here

This website sucks

More persecution stories? My god, when will it end?!
This post was edited on 7/8/14 at 1:29 am
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 12:55 am to

As to the silly cross-examination, I don't consider Palestine to "go back through most of recorded history." But that's neither relevant nor necessary. Most Arab nations are arbitrary divisions that do not "go back through most of recorded history," thanks to Sykes-Picot. And plenty of countries worldwide have been invented in the 20th century through treaty and consensus. Hell, plenty have been invented in the last 20 years. South Sudan is an agreed-upon fiction. Most of the Central Asian SSRs were too. What's more relevant is that there are a couple million Arabs who have lived there for many generations, that Israel has no interest in naturalizing, that they can't and shouldn't try to force out, and thus both parties' best interests are in having a separate Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank

Great Post.

These "where is palestine" types seem to forget that Israel doesn't have any more historical "national" legitimacy than the Arab states do/did. Unless we are using the Old Testament as some sort of deed.
This post was edited on 7/8/14 at 12:56 am
Posted by Iona Fan Man
Member since Jan 2006
27462 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 1:47 am to

Unless we are using the Old Testament as some sort of deed.

that they themselves abandoned more than once

once when they went to prosperous Egypt
once when they went to prosperous Rome

Bible say anything about Abandoned land rights?
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 1:49 am to

that they themselves abandoned more than once

once when they went to prosperous Egypt
once when they went to prosperous Rome

Bible say anything about Abandoned land rights?

Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 1:56 am to
I had my post finished but my iPad died, so I'll quickly rehash for your retarded arse

1. Your numbers are bogus. Approximately 60 million dead, 1/10th of which were European Jews. 1/6th of which were victims of the holocaust. And that isn't to trivialize the millions who somehow survived. They don't get out in the statistics but they endured such sick suffering that has never been so widely inflicted on a group of people.

2. The holocaust is unique because
- the goal of the final solution was the eradication of Jews from the planet and that reality wasn't too far fetched

- your ethnic makeup was legal grounds for your death warrant. This isn't Uganda, we're talking about Germany which most historians like Oswald Spengler consider the birth of western society.

- the final solution had no economic benefit and no political capital was to be gained. It wasn't a means to an end, it was the end. So when flouting your numbers that are the highest estimates remember why all of these people died, so the Germans could eradicate Jews from the earth, and why? We know why and it still doesn't make sense

- when you talk about all the suffering, please who died pleasantly? Of course everyone suffered, but nothing like the camps had ever been so thoroughly documented. It is the worst suffering anyone can imagine (see the bottom) and while a crime perpetrated against and prepared for the Jews, millions more who suffered in the death camps (invalids, homosexuals, gypsies, political prisoners, POWs, and other "undesirables")

- ordinary people carried out the final solution. Himmler, eichmanns, Heidrich, hitler, etc. Weren't there personally carrying out their plans, it was ordinary citizens. It's probably the scariest aspect of the whole thing

- yes people died horribly everywhere, still nothing so terrible and so large in scope had ever been devised before not has it since. The systematic extermination of an entire race of people largely accomplished in a few years. The level of planning, detail and resources to achieve this is mind boggling. The Germans diverted resources that could've been used to win the war to their "final solution" so while yes all those deaths are tragic, we're talking about extermination which was almost achieved. It is literally an embodiment of the worst that mankind has to offer.

3. Despite being the most thoroughly documented crime in world history and the representation of the worst of mankind, people still rob the victims of their dignity by refuting that it ever happened, or they trivialize it, such as you have done.

4. I know it doesn't help when I say you're an anti Semite, but I only say that because you are an anti Semitic piece of
Inbred trash who hopefully has rectified the mistake of your miserable parents and decided not to procreate simply to hasten the progression of the human race

frick YOU

This post was edited on 7/8/14 at 2:04 am
Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 2:24 am to
Also not once did I defend the existence of Israel with the holocaust. Your psychotic post about "holocaust chest beaters" in conjunction with an anti Israel stance that lacks any substance paints an accurate picture of the anti semitism that you are tired of hearing about, which comes as no surprise
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 3:19 am to

1. Your numbers are bogus. Approximately 60 million dead, 1/10th of which were European Jews. 1/6th of which were victims of the holocaust. And that isn't to trivialize the millions who somehow survived. They don't get out in the statistics but they endured such sick suffering that has never been so widely inflicted on a group of people.

My numbers are no more bogus than any other estimate. Historians have placed the death toll from WWII as high as 100,000,000. You can claim 60,000,000 and it doesn't change my point one bit.

millions and millions have died from pogroms on almost every single continent. You can crack any world history book or simply google search and discover this neato fact in about 20 seconds. Jews do not have a corner on the persecution or suffering market. If it makes you feel better to claim such a ridiculous statement, by all means go ahead.


2. The holocaust is unique because
- the goal of the final solution was the eradication of Jews from the planet and that reality wasn't too far fetched

This doesn't make the holocaust unique.


your ethnic makeup was legal grounds for your death warrant. This isn't Uganda, we're talking about Germany which most historians like Oswald Spengler consider the birth of western society.

Irrelevant. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth with this moronic drivel.


the final solution had no economic benefit and no political capital was to be gained. It wasn't a means to an end, it was the end. So when flouting your numbers that are the highest estimates remember why all of these people died, so the Germans could eradicate Jews from the earth, and why? We know why and it still doesn't make sense

It never makes "sense". Regardless of who the target might be. Your racism and prejudice is showing.


when you talk about all the suffering, please who died pleasantly? Of course everyone suffered, but nothing like the camps had ever been so thoroughly documented. It is the worst suffering anyone can imagine (see the bottom) and while a crime perpetrated against and prepared for the Jews, millions more who suffered in the death camps (invalids, homosexuals, gypsies, political prisoners, POWs, and other "undesirables")

Do you realize that many people starved to death, watched their family and friends die from bombs or fir, or froze to death over the course of many months in cities under siege? What about enduring the mass executions during the course of WWII? Are you so ignorant as to believe that the millions upon millions of civilians who died in WWII died relatively easy deaths? We are not talking degrees of pleasantry here, we are talking degrees of horrible. For many WWII was not the end, but the beginning of a new kind of suffering and more pogroms. From your comments I guess you give two shits about those people and their suffering. Predictable really.


- ordinary people carried out the final solution. Himmler, eichmanns, Heidrich, hitler, etc. Weren't there personally carrying out their plans, it was ordinary citizens. It's probably the scariest aspect of the whole thing

Again, not unique. "Ordinary" people are always the ones who carry out atrocities. Are you trolling? Please tell me now so we can just end the stupidity.


3. Despite being the most thoroughly documented crime in world history and the representation of the worst of mankind, people still rob the victims of their dignity by refuting that it ever happened, or they trivialize it, such as you have done.

I didn't trivialize anything nor attempt to take dignity from anyone. I am not the one claiming a special sympathy and attention for only a fraction of the people who suffered such a horrible war. You are.


I know it doesn't help when I say you're an anti Semite, but I only say that because you are an anti Semitic piece of
Inbred trash who hopefully has rectified the mistake of your miserable parents and decided not to procreate simply to hasten the progression of the human race

That is classic. The irony that you would insult my parental lineage is so thick you could practically breathe it in. Not only did my progenitors and relatives contribute to the liberation of your anointed survivors, they also suffered tremendously, for years, in doing so. Many of them remained shells of their former selves after seeing the utter fricking annihilation the spread across Africa and Europe. Unlike you, they felt sorrow for all the victims of that unfortunate war. Of course my relatives, being the inbred trash that they were, drew no distinction between Jewish suffering and the suffering of mere humans.

Keep the "anti-semite" insults rolling. Baseless as they may be.

Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 3:21 am to

Also not once did I defend the existence of Israel with the holocaust. Your psychotic post about "holocaust chest beaters" in conjunction with an anti Israel stance that lacks any substance paints an accurate picture of the anti semitism that you are tired of hearing about, which comes as no surprise

Your point by point reply completely validates my "psychotic" post about holocaust chest beating. Your entire post was chest beating the holocaust as a unique event in history marked with suffering that has never been seen before. You are of course completely wrong.
Posted by Placebeaux
Bobby Fischer Fan Club President
Member since Jun 2008
51852 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 7:01 am to

What you're doing isn't fringe, it is outright denial

I thought I said that I believed the Holocaust was real...
Posted by trackfan
Baton Rouge
Member since Sep 2010
19691 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 9:18 am to

4. I know it doesn't help when I say you're an anti Semite, but I only say that because you are an anti Semitic piece of
Inbred trash who hopefully has rectified the mistake of your miserable parents and decided not to procreate simply to hasten the progression of the human race

frick YOU

Not good Fox. You always lose the debate when you go down this low road.
Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 9:31 am to

Your entire post was chest beating the holocaust as a unique event in history marked with suffering that has never been seen before

chest beating? Is an a unique event history, and it was marked by suffering (including the scale) that had never been seen before. I would say I'm shocked but this is the typical type of Jew hatred people display. You're too much of a chickenshit to just really say the things you want to (unlike placebeaux) you can characterize it however you'd like, but no academic or historian that isn't already disgraced agrees with you.

The irony was intended, the world is a better place without you, so by all means...get on that right away
Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 9:32 am to
Are you reading this shite?
Posted by MrCarton
Paradise Valley, MT
Member since Dec 2009
20231 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 9:45 am to

The irony was intended, the world is a better place without you, so by all means...get on that right away

How could you have intended the irony?


chest beating?



and it was marked by suffering (including the scale) that had never been seen before.



I would say I'm shocked but this is the typical type of Jew hatred people display.

Nope. It only seems like Jew hatred because the holocaust tale is your religion. I also have no problem saying what I want about anyone or anything.

Posted by Poodlebrain
Way Right of Rex
Member since Jan 2004
19860 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 9:45 am to

that they themselves abandoned more than once

once when they went to prosperous Egypt
once when they went to prosperous Rome

Bible say anything about Abandoned land rights?
You left out a few places the Jews abandoned more recently. Where are the Jews of Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Yemen and Turkey?

Why did they leave those places? They abandoned them for the same reasons Arabs abandoned Israel beginning in 1947. That's right, the Arabs abandoned Israel if the same standards are applied to Jewish and Arab behavior. Koran say anything about abandoned land rights?
Posted by Placebeaux
Bobby Fischer Fan Club President
Member since Jun 2008
51852 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 10:04 am to
You see why you shouldnt question their infallibility.
Posted by DelU249
Member since Dec 2010
77625 posts
Posted on 7/8/14 at 10:08 am to
Holocaust "tale"

Why are you such a chickenshit? You keep skirting around what you really want to say. You've clearly given ground in terms of what you believe, but why bother? Just say it.
This post was edited on 7/8/14 at 10:20 am
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