As far as cheap shots go, this takes the cake. Here's former NHL player André Deveaux attacking defenseman Per Helmersson before a Swedish playoff game...

Would love to know the back story here.
Filed Under: NHL
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lsuoilengr114 months
maybe he banged his wife or daughter...
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lsu480114 months
Damn, the one black hockey player and he does that. Pretty messed up.....
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Sterling Archer114 months
That was disgusting.
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DesmondHume114 months
Saban is about to offer him a scholarship
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GeeOH114 months
That is not a cheap shot, that is aggravated assault with a weapon and possible attempted murder. He went to his head with a stick and he is a professional with that stick. That guy will be arrested, no doubt.
Premeditated, with a weapon, and to the head and neck area.

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Pavoloco83114 months
Do I see Nancy Kerrigan in that video?
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