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Jets QB Geno Smith Escorted Off Plane By Police At LAX
by Larry Leo
January 18, 20144 Comments
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New York Jets QB Geno Smith was escorted off a plane at LAX Friday. Why? There's a few different stories being reported by different outlets. I'll let thebiglead.com explain them all...
New York Jets QB Geno Smith was escorted off a plane at LAX Friday. Why? There's a few different stories being reported by different outlets. I'll let thebiglead.com explain them all...
quote:Come on, son.
"Geno Smith had some problems at the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday. Depending on what story you like, Smith was either kicked off a Virgin Atlantic flight for talking on his cell phone or left after getting into an altercation when a flight attendant unplugged his headphones. Smith either asked to speak with the police or the police showed up to escort him out of LAX. Deadspin also has Smith arguing with a ticket agent. Whichever story – or stories – are partially or completely true, this is just another sign that the New York Jets are completely out of control under the leadership of Rex Ryan."
Filed Under: NFL
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