During Saturday’s Pinstripe Bowl, Boston College head coach Steve Addazio accidentally backed into one of the guys who works the chains, knocking him over. He then slaps the poor guy. What the...


Filed Under: NCAA Football
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hansongrad121 months
That shite would have not went down like that in the South...just saying.
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SpookeyTiger121 months
Jerk is as jerk does.
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NorthGwinnettTiger121 months
What an a-hole.
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earl keese121 months
HailFreezusOver, are you saying that you think it would be OK for him to slap one of his players or assistant coaches?
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NakaTrash121 months
Boo that man!
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HailFreezusOver121 months
The chain gang guy is supposed to drop the marker in this situation to avoid the pile up or cause a cluster F$& like this.
However, the coach overreacted and shouldn't have made contact. I could see the coach thinking it was a player or coach on his staff he tripped over as he swung without seeing the entire situation.
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Man what a dick. I was lpulling for them , now Im glad PSU beat them. Absolutely a complete dick to act like that.
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Sellecks Moustache121 months
What a fricking prick.
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Krypto121 months
Lucky he didnt get slapped back. What an arse.
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