Filed Under: LSU Football
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TaderSalad61 months
And then 24 players got hurt...
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LSUperior61 months
They need to bring back The Gauntlet drill for our DBs! Just plain nasty and instills a sense of beast mode in them! Our DBs were so physical when this was around.
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LSU Patrick61 months
In before: "This drill is useless."
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lsutigermall61 months
Agree - I know it's been around forever but they hype just reminds me too much of nonsensical Miles.
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AndyWoods61 months
I remember doing something similar to this, back when I played in high school. I lowered my head way too far, and took a jolt through my spine. I couldn't breathe for about 20 seconds, thought I was going to die. My coach was just laughing and cheering. Hahaha
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themunch61 months
Players get really juiced with this drill.
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