Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
The United States Special Operations Command Parachute Team will deliver the game ball to Tiger Stadium for Saturday night's matchup between No. 5 LSU and No. 7 Florida. Per WAFB:

“You can’t have a football game without the ball! It’s an exciting weekend for us since we get to head to Louisiana, demonstrate our military freefall skills, and hand-deliver the game ball right at mid-field,” Team Leader Keith Walter said. “Our team is truly proud to represent Special Operations Command and be a part of a great weekend of LSU sports.”
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Here's what it looked like when the team parachuted in for the Georgia game last season:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Monkey business64 months
This is frickin awesome.
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LSU Coyote64 months
I love our military because they are badasses.
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geaux8864 months
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chucknorris8964 months
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