
(Tiger TV)
Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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Vernonbrew2266 months
Smoke = CPM. And way more talent for CPM
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Genestealer5566 months
damn...things are so bad he thought we got swept this past on Josh...we won 1 against Georgia.
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jpainter617466 months
He said we would have got swept if Hess didn’t pitch well...
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themunch66 months
His throwing is a tad off these days
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themunch66 months
Did you see him throwing last night?
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ByUselves66 months
See the ball, hit the ball! It's a simple concept, but it has been a problem lately.
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Says the guy who's never played above high school.
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jpainter617466 months
Basically boils down to the kids relying on what the learned in high school because we don’t have a proven hitting coach... not say ochinko wasn’t a good hitter but we need a proven hitting coach.
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