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Ohio State University fired assistant cheerleading coaches, Eddie Hollins and Dana Bumbrey, in May for sexually harassing cheerleaders. According to Columbus Dispatch...

"Cheerleaders told investigators that Hollins made sexual jokes and sometimes slapped male students on the butt or tapped their testicles.

They also said Bumbrey made inappropriate remarks to the female cheerleaders, including using the nickname “Fornicate” for one of them. He regularly commented on the size of the women’s bottoms, they said, and made remarks such as “she always has her legs spread” when women were in compromising positions during routines.

Hollins told investigators that he took male cheerleaders to the gym at the Athletic Club in Downtown Columbus and showered in front of them on a few occasions."
Filed Under: General Sports
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roadhouse130 months
i had high expectations for a solidly sexy storyline when i clicked on this link then was immediately let down when I read "slapped male students on the butt or tapped their testicles"

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stonedbegonias130 months
Just give em a little tappy, a little tap tap taparoo.
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Welcome to Aggieland!
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southarktiger130 months
He will be hired by Texas A&M on Monday.
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Kentucker130 months
Tapped their testicles? Is that code for something?

The creepiness continues in the Big X.
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jwuga130 months
Larry Leo needs spelling lessons.
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InVolNerable130 months
It's scrote season. No one is safe.
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Charlestondawg130 months
And misspelling: cheerleading
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Foolish cock130 months
Is that wrong?
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PeaRidgeWatash130 months
What is with these Big10 schools and creepiness?
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heypaul130 months
"tapped their testicles."

wait what?
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ztownbird130 months
Wow, gayyyy!!
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