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re: The Walking Dead Official Comics and Speculation Thread ***Spoilers***

Posted on 3/28/17 at 11:08 pm to
Posted by tzimme4
Member since Jan 2008
28999 posts
Posted on 3/28/17 at 11:08 pm to
Back to Sasha in the weird darkness wearing the white earbuds and listening to a Donny Hathaway song on her MP3 player. "Someday, we'll all be free, yeah" Hathaway sings. (we will learn later that is it is Donny Hathaway singing) Sasha's eyes are open wide and her lips move a little. "Oh, I gotta go" she says softly.

Suddenly she's back at the ASZ with Abe who says, "I gotta go. Fact is , I figured we'd-" Sasha cuts him off looking confused, "I had a dream. You-" Abe interrupts her smiling, You had a dream about me?" he asks her. "You died" she says, looking confused still.

Scene changes to a shot of Sasha's plate of pancakes with blueberry eyes as Negan says (unseen) "That's the plan. That's what I need from you. (camera moves to Negan speaking with Sasha) "And when you come out, not a peep. They will stand down if they haven't already." Sasha again refuses to look directly at Negan who continues "And then Lucille, she gets her three. And then we move forward with the new understanding. "

Sasha is visibly distressed, her brow furrowed and her expression upset. She shakes her head a little and puts her right hand to her face. Negan says, "Are you shitting me? Is that real? Sasha turns to look at Negan and says " I can do it but no one has to die." "You're wrong, he says, "Punishment, can't do anything without that. Punishment is how we've built everything we have."

Sasha, "You think I'm going to sit here and let you-" "Careful!" Negan barks at her angrily. "You are not letting me do anything. " They stare at each other silently for a second before Sasha says slowly and firmly, "No one has to die."

Negan smiles, tosses his head and says "Ok. How about this, one?" Just one. I mean I was gonna pull three out of the pool but just one and just for you." Sasha still looks distressed and upset, but she looks at Negan and says resolutely "OK, just one person has to die." Her expression clears and she looks less distraught than before. Almost as if she has made a decision of some kind or found peace.

Negan laughs, gets up off the floor of the cell, says "You've got me wrapped around your little finger, you know that, and it's not a man-woman kind of thing. I mean if you had a dick, I would still have these feelings. We roll out in forty-five. " as he leaves her cell. "

Then, another shot of Sasha and Maggie together there is a Maggie scene at the Hilltop where Maggie is deciding whether to follow rick's orders and stay at Hilltop out of the fighting, or take her group into the battle.

The Kingdom

"This is the scene in the sneak peek:

Location: Travelling outside The Kingdom and find a row of shopping carts set up the way Richard had them in New Best Friends.

Carol is in full on badass mode. She’s surrounded by 7-9 Kingdom soldiers: Daniel, the hot red-headed one, Dianne, sweet Jerry, and 3 or 4 others, including at least one on a horse who’s holding a flag. Carol’s clearly the one in charge. She’s like a Four-star General in King Ezekiel’s army. As they approach the shopping carts blocking their path, she tells them, “Guns up now!”

They all listen, guns at the ready. Did I mention Carol’s dressed in armor like the rest of the soldiers and she looks hot as hell? Well, now I did and she does.

One of the soldiers says, “What the hell. He’s dead.” He’s talking about Richard.

Carol asks, “What is it?”

Diane to Carol: “We’ve seen this before.”

Morgan suddenly appears from behind a light-colored car. He’s also dressed in Kingdom armor and carrying his sharpened stick. The others hear him before they see him, and point their guns in his direction before quickly lowering them. They clearly are surprised to see him.

It’s obvious Morgan heard their conversation because he responds, “The same ones.” He talking about the shopping carts.

Jerry asks him, “Are you okay?”

Carol makes her way over to Morgan. “Are you going to ambush them on your own?”

He tells her, “Yeah.”

Carol is not happy and looks at him with concern. “Going alone doesn’t work for this.”

Morgan’s face says it all. He doesn’t give a damn and tells her, “Works for me.”

Morgan and Carol are standing less than a foot apart but he seems uncomfortable under her gaze. He doesn’t look directly at her until she asks, “Did you kill any of them? Because if you have and they found out and they think it was the Kingdom then we lose our advantage.” She’s direct and looks him in the eyes when she speaks, but her voice is soft here.

Morgan points his stick in the direction of the shopping carts and says, “From walkers.”

Daniel walks up and asks, “Can we move them aside?’ At the same time King Ezekiel appears. Daniel, and a brown hair soldier start moving the carts. King Ezekiel approaches Morgan. This is the first time we see him in the shot. Carol steps back and walks away.

Shiva growls. We hear her but can’t see her.

King Ezekiel to Morgan, “Do you seek to extinguish everything of who you were?”

Morgan body language is turned away from the King, just like it was with Carol. He’s uncomfortable and having trouble meeting the King’s eyes when he admits, “I don’t seek it, but I’m stuck.”

King Ezekiel: “You want the Saviors dead? Morgan!”

For the first time Morgan looks directly at the King. He’s angry when he answers, “Yes, I do.” Morgan once again looks away, and keeps looking off into the distance.

King Ezekiel: “Cease this folly. Accompany my regiment. The Saviors are a dragon with many heads and numbers legion. We must seek allies in this endeavor.”

King Ezekiel looks at what Morgan’s wearing: “That’s Benjamin’s armor.”

Hearing Benjamin’s name gets a reaction out of Morgan. He turns his head to look at the Ezekiel before quickly looking away again.

Knowing he struck a chord, Ezekiel asks, “Do you wear it to serve you or do you wear it in his honor?”

Morgan is looking down and does not answer, but does look back up when he hears his name.

King Ezekiel: “Morgan, you are not stuck. Join us on this journey to create an alliance. Fight with us and we shall defeat them so that no one will suffer under their capricious malevolence ever again.”

Morgan shakes his head and then nods

King Ezekiel calls out to the rest of the group before turning and walking towards them: “And we start out once more for the fallen, for the Kingdom, and the glory of victory. As King moves to take Shiva’s chain from Diane, we see Carol watching Morgan.

The groups starts to move forward – the shopping carts no longer in their way. Carol and King Ezekiel walk together with Shiva between them. She’s not afraid of Shiva. No one in the group is. Carol gives King Ezekiel a look as if to say good job for convincing Morgan to join them.

Morgan follows behind.

The Scavengers ride in on bicycles and garbage trucks. Jadis looks around and turns to Rick and says "what you fight for?" Rick says "not the place, the people (he looks at Michonne). Each other. You're part of that now." Jadis looks at Michonne, gestures to Rick and says "yours"? Michonne says "We're together." Jadis says - I listened more than once -" I lay with the leader, you care?" Michonne says "We should get back to work. Rick looks creeped out."

Then a brief scene in which the Saviours find the blocked road and speculate that Rick and group had downed the trees. Eugene comes up with a plan to clear the road.

Posted by tzimme4
Member since Jan 2008
28999 posts
Posted on 3/28/17 at 11:09 pm to
In the weird darkness, Sasha is listening to her music, eyes wide open, trembling as she hears a trumpet solo playing through her earbuds. She works with several starts to get out the words, "I know what's gonna happen and how this is gonna end." Her face shows a range of emotions across it as the scene changes putting her back at the ASZ with Abraham in that earlier time.

She echoes in the darkness Abe's words from that day. In the past, he holds her hand and says "You know what's gonna happen.How this is gonna end. We're gonna walk out that door together, we're gonna kick shite and eat snakes. That's us."

"We can sit this one out," Sasha tells him as the camera moves into a close-up of her face. "They need us here anyway, Rick said to get ready for a fight. " Abe looks down as Sasha keeps looking at his face. "He asks her "How'd I die?"

Sasha sighs and lies to him, "We were at the beach, it was before. And you got pulled under and you didn't come back up." she tells him, looking away from his face. "I was trying to find you, but you were gone", she says. "Then I started to drown" as she finally looks at him. "I hate the beach" Abe says with a sigh, "End of the day in a wetsuit, it's like a sandblast to your nutsack every single step you take back to the car." Sasha gives a wry laugh. "Luckily, the seaside ain't on the agenda today. Just security and some road to chew" he tells her, as they look at each other intently."Alright, so come on. Let's go help Maggie."

"Abraham," Sasha says, "What?", She goes on "They could use. us. here." Abe sighs, but Sasha goes on, "Just once, we sit one out. Someone else-" he cuts her off again, "It should be us" he says. "Maggie's gotta take care of Maggie" Sasha finishes and the scene ends.

Sasha and Eugene are walking together through the Sanctuary. with another Saviour walking a few feet behind them. Eugene asks her "Have you changed your mind about taking that allergy medication?" Sasha says yes, "Good, I think you'll get adjusted to the place size-wise. "No, I won't. Not like you'" Sasha tells him.

"Everyone has a way out. Don't go (garbled word yoke my garbled word) me up for taking mine, which I might add is the same as yours now. People die today, it's because of the choices they make." Sasha says "Yeah, it is" and the scene moves to another shot of Maggie and Sasha sitting side by side by side, just as in season 5 when they mourned Tyreese and Beth together. Maggie sighs.

"Why are we here?" Sasha asks Maggie. "For this" Maggie says with a small smile. Bird songs are heard and piano music plays softly in the background. Both women sit with their hands in their laps like twins. Sasha takes a noticeable breath and the scene ends.

Rick, Rosita and The Scavengers plus ASZ are ready for Negan and The Saviors to arrive now. The trucks pull up with Eugene yelling to Rick using a bullhorn. "hello, I come sad with the hope..."

Rosita looks heartbroken and full of rage, both emotions plain on her face. Rick asks where Negan is and Eugene says chillingly, "I'm Negan" Rick tries to trigger the explosions but nothing happens and The Scavengers turn on the ASZ folks they have circled everywhere. Michonne sees Jadis holding Rick at gunpoint so whirls around to find the Scavenger she is partnered with holding a weapon on her. "We win" The Scavenger says to Michonne.

Negan gears up for some speechifying and here it comes:

"Negan to Rick before the battle breaks out at ASZ:

“You don’t like Eugene anymore? You gotta like Sasha.

I’m gonna make this simple. I want all the guns you managed to scrape up. I want all the lemonade you have.

Daryl: I gotta get me my Daryl back. And the pool table. And I want the chalk and I want it now

And I want someone from your group – of your choosing – for Lucille.”

As Negan goes to open the coffin, he bangs on it twice with Lucille before opening it & suddenly we switch back to Sasha in the darkness- inside the coffin!

Sasha is inside the coffin- that is the weird darkness we have seen during the entire episode! She is in there, listening to her music, remembering the past and also fantasy events while being taken to the ASZ by Negan and The Saviours.

Open-eyed and with mouth trembling, she whispers, "It felt real." And she's back with Abe, shaking her head, "It felt real", she tells him. "Like we lost this. And it's just started" Abe shakes his head gently, leans in and cups the left side Sasha's face with his right hand. (music begins to play the camera switches from her face to his) He leans in and kisses Sasha gently, tenderly. Abe traces Sasha's mouth with his thumb after the kiss.

Abe leans back, stands up and pulls Sasha to him in a hug. "Come on", he says and sighs when Sasha sais "Wait." before continuing. "I like the way you call bullshite, so let me return the favor. The next thing you'll tell me is that you can go and I can stay. Because I know you didn't like hearing yourself say Maggie's gotta take care of Maggie. I know those words are gonna choke in your ears for a good, long while and you're gonna want to make up for even thinking that. Am I right?"

They nod at each other in agreement. Abe "We lay our big meaties across the chopping block ahead of someone else's. It's always someone else. Both of us know if we'tr gonna kick, there sure as hell better be a point to it. So maybe we feel there was a point to all of this. Off to (garbled word) whether it's on the battlefield or the beach, or somewhere out there today. Maggie, she's carrying the future. "

Sasha reached up and cups Abe's face in her hand, saying "You're right." and the couple let go of each other. Bending down, Sasha says "I knew how this was going to end." They gather their gear and Abe says " Oh, laying your arse on the line for someone else, tearing it to shreds for 'em, you said it before. Oh my, that is living. They smile at each other and Sasha says, "You're an idiot". "I never said otherwise" Abe quips before they open the door and leave the house.

AS the ASZ door closes behind them, the door opens into the sunshine for Eugene and Sasha at the Sanctuary..

Sasha asks him if it will take a couple of hours to get there and he says at least. He gives her an iPod loaded with music he got in the marketplace, with his compliments. "I truly wished I measured up" he says. Sasha smiles and says "You still can, Eugene. "I'm not giving up, not on you. " Sasha is calm and peaceful now, with none of the upset and anguish from earlier in the episode.

Negan tell Sasha she doesn't have to take the trip "in the thing", meaning the coffin, but she says she can "use the rest." and "yeah, I just want to go to sleep." "Just seal in a bottle of water and I'm fine." she tells him.

Negan tells Sasha he knows how tough it will be in the coffin for her and that he appreciates what she is doing. She has her arms crossed tightly across her chest, closed off to him.

The camera cuts to Sasha in the coffin with Negan looking down on her as he prepares to shut the lid. "Damn, you are something else, " before he bangs Lucille twice on the outside casing and closes her coffin.

Alone and awake in the coffin, Sasha has the iPod Eugene gave her loaded with music. She cues up "Someday We'll All Be Free", by Donny Hathaway and listens. "Hang on to the world" the song plays as she smiles. She washes down the poison with the water bottle Arat gave her and relaxes. She is at peace now.

Back at the ASZ in the battle. Negan, taps twice on the coffin with Lucille, "Sash, you're not going to believe-this " then walker Sasha lunges out, clawing at Negan, trying to bite him.

Carl uses the opportunity to start shooting, and the place pretty much erupts into chaos.

Everyone is shooting. Jadis has a gun on Rick.
This post was edited on 3/28/17 at 11:21 pm
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