Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:102
Registered on:12/29/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]I watched some of those fat arse embarkees embark their fat asses up in that ship[/quote] :rotflmao:...
What happens in the future when the U.S. and other countries have their militaries fully automated and unmanned? Will war be a contest of who can destroy the most robots? :lol: Imagine a top gun like dog fight between drones. Will this make countries more or less likely to engage each other mili...

re: Vaccaro being benched BOOM

Posted by racingtiger88 on 12/9/14 at 8:33 pm
The down votes on the post reminded me that I should not mention former tigers at the same position drafted 3 picks later. Because LSU. Duly Noted. ...

re: Vaccaro being benched BOOM

Posted by racingtiger88 on 12/9/14 at 7:19 pm
Meanwhile Eric Reid is a pro-bowler in San Fran... We draft so well....
I also really liked the book Rule #1 by Phil Town. It really goes into what numbers to look for on a balance sheet and some technical indicators to trade by. It's main premise is value investing Buffet style, but I find the metrics he uses of pricing a "buy stock" way too stringent. That said ...
I've read One Up on Wall Street. Its a little dated (written circa 1989) but I thought it was a good quick read. The whole premise of the book was investing in companies you know and have experience with before institutional investors get in. Its about using your consumer knowledge to your advant...
True. But those results say there is no statistical significance at a 95% confidence limit. (the line of zero slope fits) You would admit that this data set does not statistically prove that we run the ball more than ever on early downs with 95% CI. But again I think we all know the Miles g...
Didnt read the entire thread so someone may have said this... The fact that you can fit a line of zero slope through your confidence intervals means that there is no statistical significance in the trend line. The fit of the data could just as easily be a line of positive slope representing LSU p...

re: LSU 2012 NFL draft?

Posted by racingtiger88 on 1/1/12 at 9:46 pm
I've heard from a friend of montgomery that he is definitely staying. Take it fwiw...
They all get a travel stipend. Louisiana players get gas money, out of state players get money for a plane ticket...

re: Les coming up on CFB live

Posted by racingtiger88 on 6/21/11 at 2:48 pm
pretty disgusted look on his face when they said mad hatter :lol:...

re: JJ on Sportscenter right now

Posted by racingtiger88 on 6/16/11 at 7:20 pm
He was to nervous to name Thomas Jefferson, but he immediately named the next Jefferson, a Spurs basketball player. :lol:...
I dont know if its Ford in this case, but Ive heard Ford is not going to make it due to grades. Could very well be him :banghead:...
I realize that but I'm more concerned that an LSU graduate writes "when" instead of "win"...
[quote]when the Natty[/quote] wtf?...
seems like if les was leaving BP wouldnt come out and tell us if he knew about it. All hell would break loose on here....
never been to the show but i want to go today. Does Miles sign autographs before or after?...
Does anyone know if Les usually signs any autographs before or after the show? Would like to get a kid a signed football or something...