Favorite team:USA 
Occupation:Microbial exterminator
Number of Posts:23
Registered on:7/2/2017
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"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" So if you have to use video evidence that the sex acts occurred in public did they really do anything wrong? It seems like you would need an eye witness that was offended. ...
I don't worry about them winning any game. I'm only a spectator. If they win great. If they lose oh well. ...
[quote]I have never understood why the Russians supposedly wanted Trump to win.[/quote] Maybe they didn't want either candidate to win. They just wanted to undermine our political process ( not that it could get much more messed up). Stir up some shite by exposing Crooked Hillary and leak false i...
[link=(https://youtu.be/DzHVv_U6L-k)]Carlin on Political Correctness [/link] ...

re: How horrible of a place is Hammond?

Posted by Creidhne on 7/15/17 at 8:05 am
[link=(https://youtu.be/JrdEMERq8MA)]Always Look on the Brightside of Life[/link]...
[quote]Yes, someone applied here with an email address of "hottieboomalatie___@yahoo.com" She was anything but a hottie.[/quote] I had an applicant with an email of something like redhotmama______@hotmail.com. She had a front license plate to match. She was rather attractive. ...
Wonder if I can sell one to NOLA and BTR. 20 gallons of paint and a few rollers = max profit. ...
[quote]Maybe the 60 vote threshold in the Senate could be in play.[/quote] I doubt the republicans would know what to do with the 60 votes. ...
[quote]Would need more information to form an opinion but it sounds pretty heavy-handed. When it comes to the banking stuff, that is not an area to frick around with.[/quote] There definitely isn't much background info. It would be very interesting to know alll the details. I'm sorta thinking this...
I realize what the law is about. The problem seems to be the IRS doesn't. If they don't like the way these small businesses handle cash just go into their books and check for a money laundering operation. Just because these small businesses "appear to be" engaged in questionable activity does give ...
My guess is that much of that land is just useless rock no one wants. ...
[quote]The IRS claimed that the businesses intentionally tried to evade federal bank reporting requirements by making cash deposits just under the $10,000 limit. [/quote] It looks like the IRS just didn't like the way they made deposits. Not even a tax issue. I read a while back about them hara...
[quote]He got pregnant by a sperm donor in September. “I found the donor on the internet. I looked on Facebook for a group and found one — it’s been shut down now. He came to my house, he passed me the sperm in a pot and I did it via a syringe,” he said.[/quote] Love story for the ages. ...
[quote]I'm a libertarian, but I'm interested in what some fashions of eugenics could do. I think the next big revolution is going to be a 100% birth control method that can be tested for. People on certain government subsidies would have to show they are taking it to maintain the subsidies. At some ...
While they are making reparations they should give the University's land back to the Native Americans. It is easy to give things away if you don't have to accept financial responsibility for the decision. If I were the president of the university I'd accept thier resolution and announce that t...
[quote]More so than any other year before. Anyone else in that same boat? I don't know if I should get excited or temper expectations. What say the Rant?[/quote] The rational way to approach football is to not have any expectations and see what happens. Take one game at a time. For damn sure don'...
It would be much worse. Some "witness" would have made up a really horrid story. MSM would make it gospel. ...
[quote]they can't stop us. [/quote] So what does he want to do? ...
[quote] Verne's not biased. It's just immature fans who read the worst into every word he utters. Seriously, he makes millions. Why would he jeopardize that by being blatantly biased for or against a particular team? I stopped thinking the announcers hate us when I was about 15 years old. Maybe ...

re: Han Ahole Solo outs himself!

Posted by Creidhne on 7/6/17 at 7:48 pm
Great interview. ...