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Registered on:8/9/2013
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[link=(http://voices.yahoo.com/how-nba-was-changed-trade-coin-flip-1976-1494635.html)]LINK[/link] Great read!!!...

2014 Unis?

Posted by tspfan on 12/7/13 at 7:57 am
[img]http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7312/10872565604_f5de482fce_k.jpg[/img] This was on UniWatch. ...
[img]http://img.spokeo.com/public/900-600/archie_manning_1975_10_05.jpg[/img] 1975: this was the only year in Saints history where they wore white jerseys with white pants...
Payton was brilliant in his time management. You always want to have 1 timeout left before the 2 minute warning. Remember when Haslett burned all his timeouts before the 2 minute warning one time and he had non left to challenge a call that would have been reversed....
Payton's time management was pure brilliant. If he let's the clock go down to 2:00 before the tying FG, then SF would have gotten the ball back with about 1:55 left. The way it happened, we started the game winning drive with 1:48 left. Payton knows what he's doing....
I'm going old school here. First - 1973 vs Bills. Saints win 13-0. Saints hold OJ Simpson to 79 yards. That's the year he goes for 2003. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/197311040nor.htm Best - 1975 vs Packers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3MIE8FrGkk That's the only year...

re: Would you rather be McNeese or ULL?

Posted by tspfan on 10/29/13 at 3:01 pm
Back to original question. If you were a college football player, would you rather have a FCS Champion ring or a New Orleans Bowl Champion ring? I would choose the FCS Champion ring....

Would you rather be McNeese or ULL?

Posted by tspfan on 10/29/13 at 10:09 am
Would you rather be McNeese who is #4 in the FCS poll with a legitimate shot to win a national championship or ULL whose top prize for the season is playing in the New Orleans Bowl?...
I am looking for someone to take all 4 tickets for half the games (21 games). $40 times 21 games = $840 per seat times 4 seats = $3360. Pelicans are selling half season packages in this level for $950 per seat which equals $3800; therefore, I am offering a $440 total discount. Pelicans will b...
I have 4 tickets in section 108 row 18 seats 11-14. These seats are above the tunnel where the Pelicans come out of. They are on the aisle closest to section 109. The best part about these seats is that there is a railing to the right of seat 11. This means that these are the only 4 seats on thi...