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Location:Baton Rouge, LA
Number of Posts:1243
Registered on:11/2/2008
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re: Basin bridge traffic…..

Posted by The Goon on 5/3/24 at 6:37 pm
Another fricking wreck at Whiskey Bay....

re: Basin bridge traffic…..

Posted by The Goon on 5/3/24 at 5:58 pm
What the frick is going on now? Three wrecks on a Friday and now I’m stuck just past Rosedale. DOTD is saying 10W is closed again. fricking shitass LA drivers....
I want to know about the one house on Pecue that hasn’t moved. The road is 8ft away from the house and will be used 24 hours a day. I would have begged for eminent domain from the initial announcement....
[quote]Isn't alot of that scrubbed out, though, before going back downhole?[/quote] It’s separated and then goes into a tank for storage. Sometimes the tanks are clean, others are not. Older formations use water injection on the back side to keep pressure on the reservoir and keep the oil movin...
I read this the other day. It reads like it was taken from multiple google question and answers. Zero mention of the depths and pressures the water is injected. It reads like oil producers are just throwing polluted water into drinking water reservoirs. Injection water was some of the nastie...
[quote]Stuxnet and it's ancillary viruses were terrifying.[/quote] This. This was around 2005. Someone’s phone was hacked and allowed for the Bluetooth function to insert a virus at Natanz. The virus caused the enrichment equipment to spin too fast and rip itself apart. This was almost 20 y...

Power wash soap for cleaning mildew.

Posted by The Goon on 4/17/24 at 8:00 pm
Any good recommendations for a mildew killer for vinyl siding. I plan to spray down the house as a pre clean and then power spray everything. Only grass around the edges with no flowers or shrubs....
[quote]Green River formation is the largest known in the world and it sits square in the U.S.[/quote] I did not know this. I read a bit about production methods that are being tested and this seems beyond challenging. Payoff seems incredible, though, with breakeven costs at $25 BOE....
There’s oil deposits everywhere, but within complex geography’s and amounts that make it uneconomical to drill. Lookup the Monterey Shale formation in California. It’s one of the biggest deposits in the world, but unattainable due to the viscosity and tight formation. Basically it’s too deep ...
You should read up on Milton Friedman on immigration. Basically he shows that you can either have a welfare state or free immigration, but you cannot have both. Free immigration will sink the system and increase the tax burden on everyone if your economy doesn’t fail first....
I don’t really understand this purchase by SLB. ChampionX seems like a rod lift company with upstream water chemicals on the side. This feels like a Weatherford type of purchase with redundant business groups that will not merge properly. Rodlift is a beast on its own with low margin and high vol...
28. He invested $5k in bitcoin very early and rode it to $30k. He now lives off investment interest....
[quote]Maybe I'm just an economic dumbass, but it seems like, in modern market history, mortgage rates and home prices seem to roughly balance each other out, when it comes to total monthly payment.[/quote] I missed the rate increases by six months with my house. A 175 basis point increase costs...
The PE for engineers needs to be updated, too. Most other states allow you to take the PE after five years of experience. Louisiana requires five years of work under a PE and letters of recommendation. This limits candidates unless you work for an EPC or lucky to work with a PE in a private c...
We don’t pay the interest. We just issue more debt. Scary thing is any bonds from the last 10 years are coming due and being refinanced at a higher rate. ...

re: Propane Grill Shopping

Posted by The Goon on 2/17/24 at 3:27 pm
Thanks for the recommendations. Found a Weber genesis e335 for 799. Seems extremely sturdy and a great value as my last grill only lasted 3 years with a refurbishment and is now $450 at Home Depot....

Propane Grill Shopping

Posted by The Goon on 2/14/24 at 7:20 pm
I’m in the market for a new grill and want to upgrade. I’m not in my forever home and want to spend about $1000. Any ideas on where to start looking or any good deals upcoming?...
No. Putin might have some views on the CIA/NATO/globalist that I agree with, but I don’t respect him enough as a leader of a nation. Hes more of a mafia leader than an actual president. He controls industry power players with money and influence which he controls with an iron fist. He uses mot...
Yes. Chase bank had a fake sponsored ad that got me several years ago....