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Criminals should have no right to sue victims at all. Criminals deserve punishment - not victims who must use a firearm in self-defense....
Well, if the younger generations don’t want Social Security benefits when they want to retire, then they had better start saving some retirement money on their own. Many young people don’t care a flip about saving money for the future. They will be in for a rude awakening....
Get rid of all government assistance (welfare, SNAP food benefits, Medicaid) for legal US citizens who have made no effort to work for more than six months. Tell them that they will either have to do the jobs that illegals do in the US or they’ll do without. One of the reasons for the massive ille...
The Dems are coming up with new cheating tactics for the 2024 election....

Diplomas for Sale: Only in Louisiana

Posted by zaniesmo12 on 11/28/23 at 9:13 am
[link=(https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/education/these-louisiana-schools-arent-approved-by-the-state-and-more-students-are-attending-them/article_6678e3ca-898f-11ee-b8d6-4b46021e698e.html)]LINK[/link] Unless I am missing something, this article states that diplomas are for sale. Stu...
Well, that’s just too bad. Most of those NYC people probably voted for Biden anyway, so they are suffering from the consequences. Trump would have never put up with the illegal invasion....
Since so many on this forum seem to believe that domestic violence is a myth, I suggest that women purchase firearms and learn to use them responsibly and accurately. Then when their domestic partners get out of hand, they can whip those pistols out and defend themselves against abuse, if necessary...
I’ve been counting the months since Biden took office. God help us to make it for one more year! I hope that the Dems won’t pull another trick (widespread mail-in ballots that can be easily altered or thrown in the garbage) to make the election go their way....
Alabama isn’t stupid. The coaches probably told him to rush more to match mirror Jayden Daniels. LSU’s defense always needs to be prepared for surprises....
Alabama committed a horse collar offense on Jayden Daniels during the first half. The officials never threw a flag. Later in the game, LSU was penalized for a horse collar offense. LSU did indeed commit the horse collar offense. Why was Alabama not penalized for the same offense? Corruption, I ...
Why is it legal to price-gouge buyers for LSU football tickets when sellers post them on StubHub, Seat Geek, etc.? Ticket scalping was illegal for many years. I’m just trying to understand....
Get rid of welfare. Then legal American citizens who received welfare would have to go to work and do jobs that illegals are willing to do. ...
The Fat Cats in Louisiana government want to hire cheap labor for their yard work, housecleaning, cooking, etc. This is my guess as to why the Louisiana National Guard isn’t helping Texas....

re: Houston? You have a problem!!!

Posted by zaniesmo12 on 9/19/23 at 6:14 pm
Why is there a need for illegals? They want to work at the undesirable jobs that some legal Americans would rather not do because they receive welfare instead. If you’re observant, you’ll see many workers who are obviously from south of the border at various outdoor job sites....
My dad was a retired public school teacher and principal. My mom worked as a secretary/bookkeeper in the private sector until she retired. She received SS benefits. After my mom passed away, my dad could not receive any of her SS benefits just because he worked in the public schools. I guess tha...
This basically involves spouse SS death benefits. Spouses who have never worked outside of the home can receive SS benefits upon the death of the working spouse as long as the working spouse did not work as a public school teacher, firefighter, or police officer. I, on the other hand, would not re...
The Dems wanted Biden to be President with his open border policy, so people up north will just have to put up with illegals. They should either tell those people to go back below the border or spend the money to take care of them. ...
Biden has done absolutely nothing to improve my life....
There should be no widespread paper ballot voting. Paper ballot voting should be allowed only under certain circumstances, i.e. hospital patients, military who are serving overseas. Either people should physically go to the polling places on the election day, or they should go to polling places to...
Does the word “traitor” have any meaning? The sorry people who sell their US property out to the Chinese fit that definition of the word in my opinion. States have every right to put a stop to this insanity!...