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Registered on:10/23/2016
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If every voter had to show up in person for the 2024 election and all the votes were counted the same day, Trump would win in a landslide. Everyone knows this, and everyone knows the reason why....
some right-wingers should take notes. Instead they'll proudly turn towards the camera, let every commie on reddit and discord identify them, get all the pictures and their social media history sent to their company, say the employee damages the reputation of the company, and get them fired...
Getting more power is what matters and the left understands this. Once you have power, suddenly your goals fall into place. Did the left run on open borders and trans kids? No. Do we have open borders and trans kids? Yes....
Ten years and 25 billion dollars later, the George Floyd Memorial Bridge will be completed....
Ending taxes won’t help if they print all the money. Even if your income isn’t taxed, the cost of everything will skyrocket...
When Dems have power they use it to reward their base at the expense of their enemies. Identify demographics that are left-wing and find ways to shift money from right-wingers to them. When Republicans are in power they do nothing with it, because imagine if Dems were to get power one day, they m...
But the great thing is that you can lose an election, lose the ability to legislate on this issue, and as a bonus, you lose the ability to legislate on all other issues too!...
Democracy inevitably leads to socialism....
This election cycle should be an absolute slam dunk for the right: - Insane inflation nearly doubling the price of groceries - Wide open Southern border, govt forcing states to open it - Massive spending overseas - Multitrillion dollar deficits with unsustainable interest payments With all ...
Only net taxpayers should vote. Nothing is surprising - an unlimited democracy like we have always results in socialism. I never understood the “democratic plantation” analogy because the taxpayers are the ones doing all the work and paying all the taxes. I work 2 jobs to make ends meet....
No, allowing crime is entirely a choice. I learned it from El Salvador. Crime is not an inevitable aspect of living in an urban area. And you can say what you want about the “bad” areas in America but they’re nowhere near as bad as El Salvador was before. It’s 100% possible to eliminate crime. Th...
Let's be real - if he weren't hidden, one of the RINOs that voted yes would've just voted no. It was never going to pass along "party" lines. ...
The left has Trump Derangement Syndrome and the right has Taylor Derangement Syndrome....
Nikki Haley got blown out even with all the New Hampshire libs voting for her. Her support among the American right-wing is non-existent. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEkmK4fW4AApak8?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img]...
Asian immigrants vote red. Their kids vote blue....
And that's a good thing, because no doubt we would get dragged into that war....
I still remember when United Airlines beat up that Asian man for no reason like 6 years ago...