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re: #Pedowood (pg 14, Epstein arrested)

Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:12 pm to
Posted by baybeefeetz
Member since Sep 2009
31662 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:12 pm to

I have some very fringe things I am sitting on, but may share depending how things play out...

Honesty dude, you give me so much amusement. fricking fun stuff.
This post was edited on 10/13/17 at 5:24 pm
Posted by Y.A. Tittle
Member since Sep 2003
101738 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:13 pm to


You killed it.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:16 pm to

This is the biggest BS excuse I have ever heard. If he has info on people who are pedophiles.

480, that was my exact reaction when I first delved into this. Initially, the community of people delving into this expected immediate actions

As I have delved into this topic even further, I found the scope of this to be massive...

The problem is that the more you peel away the layers of the onion, you realize how deep and intertwined into our society/way of life (reference my Deep State threads) this stuff goes...

The sad truth is that it is hard to just do away with this behavior (even if we could) as it was introduced as a huge poision pill (by design). It is almost impossible to address all facets of this behavior without radically changing "modern" society and /or collapsing the economy/society (as this recognized trash and the “unrecognized” trash that is narco, trafficking $ prop up our economy) . That is the sad truth.

Pulling the rug out from under this is not a trivial thing. Instead, I think you see some "little" big wigs being thrown to the masses as sacrificial lambs...

If this drops in it's entirety, things may get rough for a while...
This post was edited on 10/13/17 at 5:21 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:32 pm to

Why did everything in this thread go bold?

The same thing happened in this thread with italics (I italicized the last paragraph in the post and it applied it to the whole page)

It was a freaky thread and freaked some folks out (see below)


Well that damn ThinePreparedfrick broke the damn board with his frickery

God damn it... can't have shite nice can we


Blood stain on the white frock on the right
Bars on the window...
The guy on the left appears to have a jacked up grip with his right hand...

The Marcon Leaks




Macron Leaks: the anatomy of a hack


Sorry for that.

Trump is throwing everything out of galactic alignment

This post was edited on 10/13/17 at 5:35 pm
Posted by ladyluckUGA
Member since Feb 2014
6373 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 5:44 pm to
there was a link posted in one of the pedowood posts on 4chan, not sure if this was the one, but i saw it and read through it this morning. but it was a link to a website called it was a multi-part series of articles breaking down the movie, Eyes Wide Shut.

I had always looked at that movie as Kubrick, who we all know did what he could to drop some serious red pills on the masses with his films, showing us how the global elite engage in sex parties, etc etc... but this analysis was beyond anything i could have fathomed this film was showing. it showed how Kubrick had layers of information buried within this film, and within these layers linking the symbolism, characters, etc to not just the orgies, but what all of it meant, i.e. the connection between the sex parties, satanism, and little bits of information linking real people to the debauchery and even the pedo-world in Hollywood. there was another link that took it another step and connected what vigilant citizen posted and who Corey Haim's abuser was.

fascinating read... worth looking for. as i posted above, is all i remember.
Posted by saintsfan1977
West Monroe, from Cajun country
Member since Jun 2010
7815 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 6:18 pm to

Eta: and that's just one exhibit. I was just thinking about all the Hollywood types who actually let Manson into their circles. Charles fricking Manson. Again, nothing would shock me with these scumbacks. [Maxine Waters voice.]

I recently read a pdf "The Tate murders were a False Flag" where Manson was just a patsy and the whole Tate murder was staged by the CIA/FBI. I dont know what to make of it, as I havent researched enough of the story. If what was said about the trial were true, (his rights as well as his right to a fair trial denied) then it was all setup and Tate was never killed. I would have to do some research because the pdf uses Wiki as evidence. I need a little more proof than that but the author does a lot of background on everyone involved. If it werent for his Wiki references and a few other things, it would be 100% believable.
Posted by Revelator
Member since Nov 2008
58259 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 6:45 pm to
Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 ¶ For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 ¶ And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient
This post was edited on 10/13/17 at 6:46 pm
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35065 posts
Posted on 10/13/17 at 8:02 pm to
Hannity says he has the "tick tock" thing breaking on Monday night. Said it yesterday. Who knows what to count on any more.

Re Trump and pedophilia...seriously doubt that. Trump was so focused on being a *Trump* and such a stiff suit in regard to getting there (no cigarettes or alcohol) that He likely wouldn't find interest in such eccentric perversion. He was too immersed and dedicated in climbing his own (Egoic) ladder. IMO.

I'm glad for the love of my little great granddaughter - who loves her 'Paw Paw' - and the beauty of the coming Fall. To the degree that we cultivate the awareness of one side of life...we become equally aware of the other. And therein burdened to oppose the darkness. Worthy challenge to remain balanced, and positive...and loving.

Thank you Jesus. You too TP.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 10:08 am to
Link(s) at main site linked below...


Hollywood producer Donald Luciano pleads guilty to child porn possession
Hollie McKay FoxNews
By Hollie McKay Published May 10, 2013


The Affidavit and criminal complaint filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida alleges that Luciano was in “knowing possession” of visual depiction involving “the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.” Daniel J. Johns, a Special Agent (SA) with the FBI assigned to the investigation of cases involving crimes against children alleges that information was provided by a cooperating suspect (CS) who has a sexual interest in children, and collects child pornography on the internet and has known Luciano for a number of years.

The filing states that the defendant’s “sexual interest in children were accompanied by (his) frequent use of cocaine,” and that the two traded child pornography via Yahoo! IM and that “Luciano preferred images of the rape and torture of little children,” and that he was only interested in images of boys.

The CS also claims that Luciano offered “pain pills and an ‘eight ball’ of cocaine” for a copy of his child pornography collection, and that he visited him at his previous Los Angeles home and was there shown images of child pornography on his BlackBerry. Furthermore, Special Agent Raj Patel of the FBI Los Angeles Field Office allegedly discovered emails sent from Luciano’s apparent email account depicting boys around eight years in sexual acts with other males, and in October last year Luciano sent the CS several images of children – one estimated to be just two years old. : Ped0 Hollywood links


So I have some links, not sure if they are reposts or not but wanted to share them incase they have anything that might help the more skilled researchers that frequent this site.

A news story from 2011 saying that the recent charges of sexual abuse in Hollywood are just the tip of the Iceberg. These were involving Martin Weiss and Fernando Rivas (the composer for Sesame Street.)

This one is about Donald Luciano who was guilty of possessing images of a minor in sexual positions (pictures with kids as young as two years old). Creepy looking fricker.

This one might need some other reference but it talks about Lou Pearlman (the guy who created NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys) waws a Paedo aswell. When he was asked once what it would take to get into a band he leaned back in his chair and spread his legs then said "you are a smart boy, figure it out." It gets creepier.

Next one is about David Leigh MacLeod, a Hollywood Producer (this is a trend aswell) who was being hunted by the FBI for nearly a decade, they said there was no foul play in his death but he was found in an underground walkway with a bottle of beer and lighter fluid. Not much else, not a mention on the victims or his crimes to much detail either.

Ok, this one is about Jason Michael Handy, who took over 1000 photos of elementary school girls across the street from where he lived. He was a Producer for Nickelodeon and used that fame and connection to take email addresses and phone numbers from children. He sexually abused two little girls who wanted to be famous.

Michael Peterson had over 500,000 images and 7500 videos of child pornography. He lived in Ontario outside Los Angeles, and was arrested along with 7 other men but those men were not named in this article. This was the biggest collection of images captured, not sure if that still holds.

Everyone here knows about Victor Salva by now I am sure, here is what I have. One of these is about a victim protesting his new movie when DISNEY hired him, this was after the shite with the 12 year old. Also Roman Polanski paid his bail.

We all know about Ian Watkins from LostProphets, here are some things incase they are not repeats although it is likely.

This post was edited on 10/14/17 at 10:30 am
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 7:53 pm to


Emma Thompson: Harvey Weinstein Is Not a Sex Addict, "He's a Predator"


"This has been part of our world — women's world — since time immemorial," said the actress in a lengthy video interview about Weinstein, the "conspiracy of silence" and the unnamed others who are like him.


Many have wondered why it took so long for these stories to come out. When asked her thoughts, Thompson likened Weinstein to the shocking Jimmy Savile sexual assault scandal in 2012 and the people around the BBC star who were complicit during his years of predator and pedophilia behavior. After Savile's death, an investigation uncovered Savile abused at least 500 girls and boys, some as young as 2, and countless adults, and that he allegedly committed sexual acts on dead bodies. "Some of the agents may have said, 'Oh, he's a little bit oily, he might pester you a bit, but go in,'" she surmised about Weinstein's power. "One of the big problems about the way in which our systems work at the moment is that there are so many blind eyes. We can't keep making the women to whom this happens responsible. 'They're the ones who have got to speak.' Why? We've got to look and say, 'this is happening.' And say, 'This is happening.'" About that "conspiracy of silence," Thompson said frankly, "There were probably about a million missed opportunities to call this man out on his disgusting behavior."
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
11091 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 7:55 pm to
I would direct you to the following theme:

Major news outlets sitting on stories (? Complicit)

It should not be controversial to state that The NY Times sat on the Weinstein story (reported by multiple outlets)

Very eye opening read below



The Human Stain: Why the Harvey Weinstein Story Is Worse Than You Think

It goes much deeper than one big creep.


But of course people knew about Harvey Weinstein. Like the New York Times, for instance. Sharon Waxman, a former reporter at the Times, writes in The Wrap how she had the story on Weinstein in 2004—and then he bullied the Times into dropping it. Matt Damon and Russell Crowe even called her directly to get her to back off the story. And Miramax was a major advertiser. Her editor at the Times, Jonathan Landman, asked her why it mattered. After all, he told Waxman, “he’s not a publicly elected official.”


You know the old joke about Washington: That it’s Hollywood for ugly people. Kennedy thought that this was unfair to Washington and that the people in the nation’s capital had the capacity for glamour, too. But it turns out that the joke works in the opposite direction: Hollywood is for ugly people, too. That was Harvey Weinstein’s essential insight, and how he managed to combine the worlds of politics, entertainment, and media. They’re all repulsive—and I know they’re disgusting or else they wouldn’t be courting, of all people, me.

This is important because something similar happened in England with an entertainer named Jimmy Saville and the BBC...


In September and October 2012, almost a year after his death, claims were widely publicised that he had committed sexual abuse, his alleged victims ranging from prepubescent girls and boys to adults. By 11 October 2012 allegations had been made to 13 British police forces,[1] and this led to the setting-up of inquiries into practices at the BBC and within the National Health Service.

The Guardian


The sinister treatment of dissent at the BBC

The whistleblowers who broke the Jimmy Savile story have seen their careers nosedive while executives protect their own status

Nick Cohen

Saturday 7 March 2015 22.15 EST


Nobody from John Humphrys in the morning to Evan Davis at night dares mention a scandal at the BBC. It undermines their reporting of every abuse whistleblowers reveal. It reinforces the dirty common sense of British life that you must keep your head down if you want to keep your job.

The scandal is simply this: the BBC is forcing out or demoting the journalists who exposed Jimmy Savile as a voracious abuser of girls. As Meirion Jones put it to me: “There is a small group of powerful people at the BBC who think it would have been better if the truth about Savile had never come out. And they aim to punish the reporters who revealed it.”


Jones was one of the BBC’s best investigative producers. He had suspected that Savile was not the “national treasure” the BBC, NHS, monarchy and public adored, ever since he had seen Savile take girls away in his car from an approved school his aunt ran in the 1970s. He broke the story which showed that Savile was one of the most prolific sex abusers in British history, and handed the BBC what would have been one of its biggest scoops. If it had run it. Which, of course, it did not. The editor of Newsnight banned the report. Thus began a cover-up which tore the BBC apart.


Jones’s reporter on the Savile film was Liz MacKean, who documents the sufferings of the powerless – whether it be raped children in Britain or persecuted gay men in Putin’s Russia.

But she spoke out, so the BBC forced her out too. “When the Savile scandal broke,” she told me, “the BBC tried to smear my reputation. They said they had banned the film because Meirion and I had produced shoddy journalism. I stayed to fight them, but I knew they would make me leave in the end. Managers would look through me as if I wasn’t there. I went because I knew I was never going to appear on screen again.”

The reporter above who tried to break the story died of a stroke (at 52) a few months ago.

A final point, the prior Director of the BBC is the current CEO of The NY Times (who along with the mainstream media immediately “debunked” Pizzagate as fake news (with minimal investigation, but great fervor)).


If there is enough interest (from those who were cynical/doubtful), I can link good / reputable overviews on the true concerns (organized child pedophilia ring at high levels) of people looking into Pizzagate had instead of the mainstream projection(and some on this board) of a debunked dungeon in a pizza joint...
This post was edited on 10/14/17 at 7:57 pm
Posted by Saint5446
Member since Jan 2014
824 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 8:18 pm to
Dude I have been following your posts for probably over a year now and was initially skeptical but kept an open mind. I think you are slowly getting vindicated, and you’ve made a believer out of me. I admire your research and your style of just presenting the info without commentary. I think you’re getting proven correct here more and more everyday. Never stop.
Posted by Asharad
Member since Dec 2010
5727 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 8:24 pm to
His style reminds me of bluetick hound.
Posted by 225bred
Member since Jun 2011
20386 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 8:31 pm to

I’ve wanted Dan Schneider to go down for several years now.

Will be sweet vindication when it happens.
Posted by Tiger in NY
Neptune Beach, FL
Member since Sep 2003
30419 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 8:55 pm to

I’ve wanted Dan Schneider to go down for several years now.

I'm sure he would oblige

Posted by Robin Masters
Member since Jul 2010
30107 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 8:58 pm to

ve wanted Dan Schneider to go down for several years now.

You are probably too old. He only does that for the kids.
Posted by BRgetthenet
Member since Oct 2011
117755 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 9:15 pm to

His style reminds me of bluetick hound.

Or a badger. TPI=GOAT
Posted by Chrome
Member since Nov 2007
10394 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 9:41 pm to

You can show them that all day Rev but they will never embraced the truth of why this is occurring.
Posted by Asharad
Member since Dec 2010
5727 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 9:59 pm to

Or a badger. TPI=GOAT
I was talking about a poster on this forum, bluetickhound. He made up a bunch of shite and sprinkled in enough realism to make people believe he knew something.
Posted by Tiger in NY
Neptune Beach, FL
Member since Sep 2003
30419 posts
Posted on 10/14/17 at 10:16 pm to
Not directly related, but as Pedogate heats up, look for more false flag events. Here is an ad for something fishy in Michigan for Oct 15th

This post was edited on 10/14/17 at 10:21 pm
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