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re: Politico: Republicans stick with Benghazi cash grab

Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:07 am to
Posted by Taxing Authority
Member since Feb 2010
57517 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:07 am to

I've posted this for those who suggest this is some sort of pious "quest for the truth". It's clearly all political.
is this a joke? I get democrat fundraising emails ALL THE TIME on issues like Sandy Hook, Obamacare, Todd Aiken, Sandra Fluke, Ghey rights, you name it.

Does that invalidate those issues too?
This post was edited on 5/8/14 at 9:10 am
Posted by a want
I love everybody
Member since Oct 2010
19756 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:11 am to

Does that invalidate those issues too?

I never said those weren't political. I specifically said


I've posted this for those who suggest this is some sort of pious "quest for the truth".

There are those who deny that this is political. They think this is for the good-ole red white and blue.
Posted by The Spleen
Member since Dec 2010
38865 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:15 am to

A quick trip through your posting history says otherwise.

Oh, I lean left on most issues, but I assure you I'm on no team. I think both parties are corrupt to the core.

If we want to be honest about an investigation into Benghazi, we should be investigating why we've been running guns there since 2006. Guns that have gone to Al-quaeda in the Syrian war. The consulate there was only created to provide cover for the CIA operation. That won't be investigated though. Why? Because it would also implicate a lot of Republicans in wrongdoing. I dislike Obama nearly as much as most of you, but for very different reasons. He's continued, and even escalated, a lot of the neo-con policies of the Bush administration, and the Benghazi situation is just one example of that.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35148 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:40 am to

Oh, I lean left on most issues, but I assure you I'm on no team. I think both parties are corrupt to the core. If we want to be honest about an investigation into Benghazi, we should be investigating why we've been running guns there since 2006. Guns that have gone to Al-quaeda in the Syrian war. The consulate there was only created to provide cover for the CIA operation. That won't be investigated though. Why? Because it would also implicate a lot of Republicans in wrongdoing. I dislike Obama nearly as much as most of you, but for very different reasons. He's continued, and even escalated, a lot of the neo-con policies of the Bush administration, and the Benghazi situation is just one example of that.

So, we drone AQ in one part of the World, and give them guns in another? I suppose it could make sense; but highly problematic.

BTW, do you leave an AMBASSADOR as low hanging fruit, in such a highly problematic scenario? I've heard that the AQ plan was to kidnap the guy and demand a trade for the Blind Sheik; what the hell was Obama/Clinton thinking up there? I could do a better job of cya!

At the very least, Bush would have never allowed such an atrocious policy; even if he were in bed with AQ. This event is a example of EXTREME INCOMPETENCE...and a lame and nationally injurious attempt to cover up that fact for electoral gain.

The damage to national unity, governmental credibility here and abroad, and a basic faith that Obama - and Hillary re '16 - are fit to be at the helm, is the real issue.

IMO...they ain't. And if all the evidence ever comes out...that assessment will be validated. Like the collapsing economy, health care system and open border debacle ain't enough already!

Geee Whiz!
Posted by Taxing Authority
Member since Feb 2010
57517 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:41 am to

There are those who deny that this is political.
There are people that deny the Holocaust. So what?

Ok. Let me do this 3rd grade level.. though I do not believe you're this naive.

First, fundraising and investigation are not mutually exclusive. Your premise fails on simple inspection.

POLITICIANs do POLITICAL things. See the etymology there? There is a reason for it.By definition everything they do is political.

Do you believe fundraising off the Sandra Fluke publicity stunt was a "quest for truth"?


They think this is for the good-ole red white and blue.
You think passively letting those in government outright lie for political gain is a good thing? Interesting position, if so.
Posted by LSUnKaty
Katy, TX
Member since Dec 2008
4367 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:47 am to

It's clearly all political.
You mean politicians are political? No?

In this particular case it's also the right thing to do. If there is nothing nefarious behind all the smoke why are the Dems worrying about the investigation at all? If it turns out to be a boondoggle great for them - they can use it against Repubs in the next election cycle.

I can't understand why progressives keep denigrating the investigation unless they really believe something may be uncovered.
Posted by Hawkeye95
Member since Dec 2013
20293 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:50 am to

It's clearly all political.

everything in washington is political.
Posted by LSUnKaty
Katy, TX
Member since Dec 2008
4367 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:50 am to

because not agreeing with someone else's opinion on a subject makes them ignorant.
No. Saying there is no smoking gun is ignorant.
Posted by UncleFestersLegs
Member since Nov 2010
11067 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:52 am to

Oh, I lean left on most issues, but I assure you I'm on no team. I think both parties are corrupt to the core.

Oh I just skimmed a couple defending Hillary and Lerner but whatever you say lol.
Posted by olgoi khorkhoi
priapism survivor
Member since May 2011
14927 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 9:53 am to

I've posted this for those who suggest this is some sort of pious "quest for the truth". It's clearly all political.

The fact that they waited so long to do this suggests that it is partially political, but the two are not mutually exclusive.

Ironically, on the other hand, you suggesting it's "all political" is all political.
Posted by a want
I love everybody
Member since Oct 2010
19756 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 10:23 am to

There are people that deny the Holocaust. So what?

Those are the people I'm talking to. Well...not the holocost but those acting like this is a "quest for the truth". No more, no less. It's that simple.

I know it's all political. I know both sides do it. I'm not judging the GOP for doing it. In fact, in one post in this thread I said if I were a GOP political consultant, I'd would continue to run on Behghazi.
Posted by Taxing Authority
Member since Feb 2010
57517 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 10:25 am to

Well...not the holocost but those acting like this is a "quest for the truth".
I still don't understand the link between fundraising and "quest for truth". They aren't mutually exclusive.
Posted by idlewatcher
County Jail
Member since Jan 2012
79622 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 10:35 am to

I've got no problem being a 1 and done representative as long as that 1 makes waves and raises eyebrows. I don't need to have power or be in the lime light.

Most politicians aspire to make $$ while in office, not actually perform their job as voted to do. It's a sad state of affairs but it's also reality. Obviously a few truly care for their constituents, but then you see idiots like SJLee continuously being reelected and it makes you shake your head.
Posted by Godfather1
What WAS St George, Louisiana
Member since Oct 2006
80335 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 11:11 am to

There are those who deny that this is political. They think this is for the good-ole red white and blue.

Would that include those of us who simply want this administration to do the right thing?
Posted by NHTIGER
Central New Hampshire
Member since Nov 2003
16188 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 11:32 am to

Book it, the reason for the low profile over there is that Obama was running guns to AQ in Syria, and they will go to the mat to hide it.

This is not directed at you in particular, RCD, but at everyone who has made similar references regarding the "gun-running" issue being related to the 9/11 attack.

First, that issue will not be a part of this committee's investigation. It is all conjecture at this point and plays no role in what happened that night. If testimony or documents come to light in this committee's work that gives credence to the issue, you can bet it will be the subject of a separate investigation, and it would be a bi-partisan effort.

For those who believe there is a "story" there, however, it would not be what you posted, i.e., a situation of the administration sending small arms and manpads to AlQaeda-related groups in Syria. The allegations of those who subscribe to Benghazi gun-running is that the shipments of arms were meant for the group the administration supports over there - the Free Syrian Army. Those guys dislike AlQaeda-related groups as much as we do. Their side of the civil war has been corrupted by, plagued by and viciously undermined by AlQaeda in that war. There are not two sides in the Syrian Civil War, there are three. The only thing the Free Syrian Army and AlQaeda have in common is that both seek Assad's death or departure.

If the allegations that the U.S. played a role in the shipment of Russian arms from Libya to Syria, via Turkey, become proven, they will show the intended recipient of those arms was the Free Syrian Army group and not the dozen or so AlQaeda groups fighting Assad. We know that such shipments were made from Benghazi to Turkey in the days preceding 9/11/12 - but there is no proven evidence that the U.S. played any role in those shipments.

I tend to avoid that issue when I discuss Benghazi because it's a PERIPHERAL issue. If proven, it will have a life of its own separate from the Benghazi attack.

Sen. Rand Paul is not the guy anyone should be listening to when it comes to Benghazi. Follow the work of the House Committee, and if there is anything to the story, it will become evident as a by-product of testimony and documents. Unless and until it is, you will not see Rep. Gowdy chasing that angle, because its not within the purview of his committee's mission. All the gun-running talk does is take away from the real and valid aspects of the investigation, and give Dems a chance to belittle the committee's work.

And again, even if the speculation about U.S. involvement of gun-running eventually proves to be true, it certainly will not be a situation of running them to AlQaeda, but to the Free Syrian Army. Since the AlQaeda groups in Syria have basically taken away whatever weapons the FSA gets from outside sources, I do not dispute that those arms would not end up in the hands of AlQaeda. But back in September of 2012, the Free Syrian Army was still the main force opposing Assad. The takeover of the anti-Assad armies by AlQaeda has evolved mostly over the past 18 months.

Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 11:39 am to
What dies the dems raise money on ? cocksucking, racism/trumped up lies, abortion/war on women.

That's a helluva backward party there.
This post was edited on 5/8/14 at 12:32 pm
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35148 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 12:05 pm to
Always count on you, NH.

BTW, I would not be opposed to undercover gunrunning by our covert agencies, if it hurts enemies that hurt our folk. If this gunrunning would develop legs, it would probably be quashed in the name of security, and Bush would probably be in there backing up Obama. It's sausage making up there.

For me, it's all about exposing and delegitimizing Obama; anything to negate the man's political power. He is not a leader who persuades, inspires, unites, and motivates the populous toward fair and practical solutions to our complex societal problems.....he employs the 'Alinsky/Chicago politics' model, and strong arms an ignorant and duped electorate. Bait and switch, with all manner of promises that can never be fulfilled; at least not in a flailing economy, crippled by his regulation and anti-energy policy. He's sewing the seeds for societal antipathy.

And this is so destructive to our nation, in that if honest politics is abandoned...then the alternative is unthinkable. And inexcusable...but for good people standing by and doing nothing. But they don't care. Obama foolishly thinks he can control the (cloward-piven) engineered collapse; worst political gambit in American political history. His foolheartiness will harm many.

I want to see Obama face the evidence of his action, and justify it. For once. But I won't be holding my breath. I wholeheartedly embrace every single day of life...every glass of clean water...every fruit off my vines, and family and animals, and the blessings of a good and challenging life. Things that are out of my control...are simply...'challenges'.

Be well.

Posted by antibarner
Member since Oct 2009
23800 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 12:34 pm to
I have no problem with a party using the issues of the day to fundraise.

On another subject, I like that change in attitude I am seeing from the GOP House. It is about time they grew a bit of a backbone and started taking on the opposition instead of quaking in fear of the media.

To those of you advising the Repubs to moderate their stances on the issues because they will turn off voters, I say that you have swallowed the medias talking points hook line and sinker.

Bob Dole, John Mc Cain and Mitt Romney were not tea party candidates. And they ran campaigns that tried not to offend the moderates. And they got their heads handed to them on election day.

This time,run an aggressive campaign. Stand up for your principles do not apologize for them and be assertive and take the press head on when they start the inevitable smear tactics. People hate the media,a lot. Make them an issue.

If its Hillary for the Dems, do not handle her with kid gloves. Make her take positions on issues. Question her qualifications,after all,what has she accomplished in her time in public service? Anyone?

I want the GOP on offense this time,and maybe,just maybe,they are figuring that out. Offend Blacks Gays and Hispanics? Most of that is feigned by the media anyway, plus the majority of those groups are NOT going to vote for you. Stand up,show some courage, and let the chips fall where they may.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35148 posts
Posted on 5/8/14 at 12:43 pm to
Whole heartedly agree, ab.

A lot of politicos are Type A personalities, or they wouldn't be where they are. Their (perceived) status means a lot to em'; and the MSM has power to seriously affect that perceived status.

So they question they "deny themselves and take up their cross"...pick up the sword and start swinging...or just hold on to status and go along to get along. It's been the latter. We'll see, now that it's either now...or never.

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