Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:23711
Registered on:10/9/2009
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WHO paid for them? WHY are these people not being raided by the FBI as we speak? If it's Soros, his 94 year old wrinkled arse needs to have an FBI Swat team kicking his door down right now....

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by antibarner on 4/18/24 at 12:01 pm
[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ba/4f/89/ba4f89ecd89bd39af55bc152ef2c860d--bond-girls-st-johns.jpg[/img] Jill St John from Diamonds are forever.......
If the people in the cars would whip the hell out of those people and throw them out of the road this crap would stop. But that pussy AG we have would come running with his stormtroopers. That man needs a long jail term for the things he has done with the alleged Justice Department....
Repaired most likely. What people fail to understand is that Iran has a lot to lose here. They are not goatherders from Afghanistan.. They have....wait for it....INFRASTRUCTURE. Meaning targets. Oil facilities. Ports. An electric grid. Military bases. Bridges. Manufacturing Communications.. Th...
I was one of the 92K for Saban's first Spring game and that was quite an experience. People just kept coming and coming and filling seats, and not long after the start it was full. The players were looking and staring, and some recruits came in and looked stunned. People knew it was the start of ...

re: Bama A-Day .. no Defense

Posted by antibarner on 4/14/24 at 12:52 pm
[quote] This team will lose 6-7 games imho [/quote] Wanna bet your screen name on it Willy? Mine vs yours. Bama loses 6. Antibarner screen name disappears. Nothing that sounds similar. You shot that mouth off boy, now lets see if you got balls to back that up. Oh YOU can stay with an alter......
ill tell the son of a bitch to his face. No Kristol...I have no problem with any eligible black or brown person voting for the candidate of their choice. Once....

re: Jam Miller

Posted by antibarner on 4/13/24 at 7:00 pm
WHO? Some guys that play for Kansas that no one will ever hear of.? Because the team sucks...and swallows too....
I'm going to END Willy come the season. You will either put up, or admit ANTI owns you....
72K and change at Bryant Denny today...

re: Official A-Day Game Thread

Posted by antibarner on 4/13/24 at 6:48 pm
In fairness tio Milroe..he had some passes dropped. Flat dropped. But you can't tell much from watching a mix and matched mess like today....
Shut the hell up Alter. Either grow a pair and post under your real name, or go do what Viles do and bang your cousin's coon dog....
Theres an easy solution to all of this. Upon re lection. Fire asses. Rinse and repeat. They can't do damage if they have no power. When they run to the courts, tell the black robed bastards that you have no power here. The Constitution crated three EQUAL branches of government and this is an Exec...

re: Are we ready to forgive Bama yet?

Posted by antibarner on 4/10/24 at 9:42 am
This is what happens when your brain is on crack you start posts like this....
I do think Grant Nelson got pounded on some of his shots with no call. but it wouldn't have mattered. The best team won the game. It would have taken an absolutely perfect game, and even that might not have been enough. Nate Oats has a chance to win a National Title at Alabama, and sooner rather ...
It's going to be fun watching Edey go uo against that guy. That is, if the officials don;t protect him all game....


Posted by antibarner on 4/6/24 at 10:09 pm
I didn't see any beatdown. I saw a pretty damn good game that most thought we'd get beat by 30. Didn't happen. They got a game. We just got to get us one of those 7 foot something guys and Bama will hoist a banner....
Funny thing nobody talks about that. I don't believe it. Because theres literally NO PROOF any of what you say happened. But that aside, people charged with misdemeanors on January 6th are being treated like Terrorists. WHY?...
OK MR. HEAD...let's look at what went on outside the White House during the Summer of Peace demonstrations.[link=(https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/secret-service-moved-trump-to-secure-bunker-friday-after-protesters-breached-temporary-fences-near-white-house-complex/2020/06/03/e4ae77c2-a5b9-11...