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Registered on:11/19/2005
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Here’s one of the Columbia pro Hamas leaders [embed]https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1783615459751014702?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1783844913550954961%7Ctwgr%5E637590c4e1831a29e39a9dffd9b0b14508b2f055%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fredstate.com%2Fbonchie%2F2...

re: Native American attacked by protesters

Posted by jlc05 on 4/26/24 at 5:04 pm
[quote]The so called republicans on this board sit here all day long and push their tds bullshite. While on every other social media platform republicans are called out as vile scum. These people fricking hate you way more than you hate trump. [/quote] Well said...
[quote]The Israelis are engaging in savagery. It’s going to get a reaction[/quote] Apparently it has..or is it really a proper response? [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/protester-final-solution-sign-threatens-80722728.jpg?resize=1536,2048&quality=75&strip=all[/img]...
[quote]Imagine thinking there was an insurrection and attempt to violently overthrow the US government [/quote]...
[quote]Why is this POS still allowed to live[/quote] I bet there have been attempts not made public...
[quote]We can legally burn American flags. How is that not sending the same message?[/quote] Lol, not at all the same....
So free speech protects the fomenting of an intifada?...
[quote]hy are you worried about how much someone posts on a message board and why are you spending your time all day watching him post then going thru his history? [/quote] And throwing out time hacks. Very creepy. Who does that? STALKERS!...
[quote]MAGA is no different than the big gov leftists on Covid this is such a fricking stupid take.[/quote] Bots doing work for the Dems....
[quote]Orange knows that Barr is just going to passively accept the humiliation once he's decided to bend the knee. Sad S&M dynamic in these folks.[/quote] Potato is in a continual state of delirium and in submission posture while others run his admin. That is the real S&M dynamic truly impacting t...
There are many more wealth confiscation schemes ready to be enacted by Potato. You aint seen nothin yet....
[quote]The United States of the World[/quote] Goblin is surely an Open Skies Society cuck...
[quote]You made a false equivalence as to the people towing the Hamas defense when Hamas attacked Israeli civilians.[/quote] “Go back to Poland” “Go back to Germany” Actually being yelled at Jews now by the campus sympathizers, soon to be terrorists. Expect something to pop as the Hamas type...
Welcome to Tonight’s Bot Circle Jerk...
[quote]Like DC, insurgents took over in AZ.[/quote] But we’re consistently told by some that AZ is solidly red, just a function of muh bad candidate ...
[quote]What a coincidence the timing of all this. [/quote] It’s amazing!...