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Location:North LA
Number of Posts:176
Registered on:3/9/2011
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My best guess is Laid wanted to play. Woke President said no way and Laird said I'm out. Should have been out before now in all honesty. My .02...
Im going to need to see the calibration records of whatever devices they were using to determine the CO2 levels in the year 1000-1900. Once those are provided I will also need the GPS coordinates where these levels were measured over the past 1000 years. If you cant provide those then you can eff of...
This is possible. I took it as RH was selling out investors at whatever their entry point was. I may have been wrong. Definitely wrong on RH account either way....
I agree with all of this thread, but nothing screams working class/poor like 4500 shares at an average of $118.00 (531000.00). ...
Why are they not putting the dying people on vents? Ventilator usage has not changed much but deaths are increasing pretty rapidly based on the chart....
Check out [link=(https://www.nationalparkreservations.com/lodge/olympic-lake-crescent-lodge/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu9z97YPX6QIV9uzjBx1WzwP7EAAYASAAEgJgMPD_BwE)]Lake Crescent[/link]Lake Crescent Lodge - Olympia National Park...
Prayers going up for all yall. I was neighbors with your grandparents for about 4 years. They were great people....
Best I can tell ship left out mid January. How often does a carrier dock and let sailors off? This crap was nowhere in the US (according to smart people) in January. How did it get on a ship 2 months later? Guess I should read the link...
Sec 8? Personally I wouldn't put a dime in Shreveport right now. Politically, economically, nothing good is happening in Shreveport right now. Just my .02....
In the clearer video posted they are pitting a neck brace on. I would think if he is unresponsive it would be a load and go situation. ...

re: 2005-2010 F-150

Posted by Chewbacha on 1/14/20 at 6:24 pm
2010 F150 5.4 422000 but its about done. Got my moneys worth...

re: Choose your QB: Goff or Dak?

Posted by Chewbacha on 9/4/19 at 9:24 am
Doesnt the fact this is debatable mean Dak is worth similar money to Goff? This boards opinion is Dak is not worth north of 20 million...

re: Post a Pic of Your Boat Thread

Posted by Chewbacha on 6/6/19 at 7:45 pm
[IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/24x1l4i.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/35jgqac.jpg[/IMG]...
I see this if bossier would be fiscally responsible line used. BPSB has a budget approx 300M. 89% goes to salary or approx 267M. They asked for 21M. Do the math they would have to cut 75% of all other operating costs to annually make up the 21M. Thats just not gonna happen....
This is the truth. Bossier used to be a bunch of good ole boys that usually made the right decisions and not politically motivated. Now days it seems decisions are politically motivated and before long it will be Shreveport East. Keep it up Bossier...
Be careful what you wish for. If 300 teachers leave for other careers this summer and 100 positions remain open who teaches the kids? There are statewide requirements as far as teacher/student ratios. Then what?...
Maybe. Maybe not but my point is there is some justification to their bitching. I agree with the supply and demand statement above 100% and the reason I voted yes was because I see the demand side winning right now and I want the best education for my children. The Bossier population decided the...
Actually, this is incorrect. Teachers that started teaching in the 90s/2000s were not required to do near as much "administrative" duties. Teachers used to fill out 2 x 2 squares with daily lesson plans. Now days they are required to fill out very detailed (timely) lesson plans. This is just an exam...
I want stronger applicants to teach my children as well. Do you think that the stronger applicants will be applying to the lowest starting pay district or the higher paying ones?...